

2016-04-15  本文已影响487人  JackJin



下面是关于OS X的结构图(官网地址):


The Cocoa (Application) layer(应用层) includes technologies for building an app’s user interface, for responding to user events, and for managing app behavior.

The Media layer (媒体层)encompasses specialized technologies for playing, recording, and editing audiovisual media and for rendering and animating 2D and 3D graphics.

The Core Services layer(核心服务层) contains many fundamental services and technologies that range from Automatic Reference Counting and low-level network communication to string manipulation and data formatting.

The Core OS layer (核心系统操作层)defines programming interfaces that are related to hardware and networking, including interfaces for running high-performance computation tasks on a computer’s CPU and GPU.

The Kernel and Device Drivers layer(内核和驱动层) consists of the Mach kernel environment, device drivers, BSD library functions (libSystem), and other low-level components. The layer includes support for file systems, networking, security, interprocess communication, programming languages, device drivers, and extensions to the kernel.


(1)应用层即可触摸层(cocoa touch layer)地址:提供接口为应用,主要用于touch和管理应用的操作。其中我们最常用的UIKit的框架在Cocoa Touch层

(2)媒体层(media layer)官方地址:包括多种多样的媒体文件,录音,播放,图像绘制,2D和3D图形基础动画

主要包括以下:AV Foundation, Core Animation, Core Audio, Core Image, Core Text, OpenAl, OpenGL, Quartez

(3)核心服务层(Core Service Layer)官方地址:通过提供一些接口进行网络连接,包括一些在CPU和GPU更高计算性能,使用广泛的Foundation框架位于本层

只要包括以下:Address Book, Core Foundation, Foundation, Core Data, Quick Look

, Social, WebKit, Security

(4)核心系统操作层(Core OS Layer)官方地址:内存管理、文件系统、电源管理以及一些其他的操作系统任务。它可以直接和硬件设备进行交互

只要包括以下:Accelerate, Open CL, Directory Services, System Configuration, Disk Arbitration


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