
2020-02-05  本文已影响0人  小燕_lillian

单选题 (每题1分,共32道题)

1、 [单选] —家制作公司正在实施一个利用新技术和新工艺生产新产品的项目。已经确定组建工作包的详细信息,并识别到每个组件的制约因素。管理层希望获得该项目的精确成本估算。项目经理应该使用什么估算技术?

A manufacturing company is implementing a project to produce a new product using new technology and processes.Details of the component work packages have been defined and constraints for each component have been identified. Management would like to obtain a precise cost estimate of the project. What estimating technique should the project manager use?








Parameter estimation

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:要求精确,排除A,制约因素不等于风险,排险B。由于工作包的英文是复数,以及管理层关注的是总成本,所以建议选C自下而上估算,更符合题意。

2、 [单选] —项新功能被批准用于软件开发项目,在该功能获得批准三周后,一位团队成员得知这项新功能的开发已经超出预算。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

A new functionality is approved for a software development project. There weeks after approval a team member realizes that the development of this new functionality is already over budget.What should the project manager do next?


Accept the budge to overruns because it is already approve


Stop the development of the new function.


Submit a change request.


Update the cost baseline.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:发现成本绩效偏差,提交变更请求,以采取纠正措施。AB是变更请求里的可能方案,D是批准之后的事。题目问下一步。

3、 [单选] 项目经理正在制定一份高层级的成本估算,以便纳入项目章程。由于项目经理以前完成过类似的项目,应该使用哪一项成本估算技术?

A project manager is developing a high-level cost estimate for inclusion in the project charter. Since the project manager previously completed similar projects, what cost-estimating technique should be used?






Expert judgment



正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:答案:B 解析: 类比估算是以过去类似活动的参数值(如范围、成本、预算和持续时间等)或规模指标(如尺寸、重量和复杂性等)为基础,来估算未来活动的同类参数或指标的估算技术。

4、 [单选] —个构建新产品的项目包含了一项设计,而该设计使用了两个现有产品的一些功能,但是,新产品需要比其前代产品更大型且更便宜。项目经理查看两个现有产品的文件,并与工程总监讨论对最终成本的影响。项目经理将使用什么技术来估算成本?

A project to build a new product consists of a design that uses some features of the two existing products, but the new product needs to be larger and cheaper than the former one. The project manager reviews the documents of two existing products and discusses the impact on the final cost with the engineering director. Which technique will the project manager use to estimate the cost?


Modeling and Cost Forecast


Analog Estimation and Parameter Estimation


Experts' Judgment and Cost Summary


Make bottom-up estimation and plan the analysis of review technique

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


5、 [单选] 在项目执行阶段,项目经理发现完工估算(EAC)高于完工预算(BAC)。在确认过计算的准确性后,项目经理应该做什么?

In the project implementation phase, the Project Manager's Estimate at Completion (EAC) is higher than the Budget at Completion (BAC). What should the project manager do after confirming the accuracy of the calculation?


To prepare bottom-up EAC values for the project stakeholders


To request the project sponsor to approve the Variance at Completion (VAC)


To request the project sponsor to approve the Cost Performance Index (CPI) according to EAC and BAC


To take action based on the assessment of the To Complete Performance Index (TCPI)

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:排除法,题目已经交代,EAC的准确性项目经理已核实,A是质疑,再核算一次,与题矛盾。BC均是绩效信息,是由绩效数据分析计算得出,不需经发起人批准。 选择D对项目完工尚需绩效指数(TCPI)的评估,后续采取行动。

6、 [单选] 在为相关方准备状态报告时,项目经理发现一成本偏差为负数,该项目10%的工作已经完成,在与相关方开会之前,项目经理应该怎么做?

While preparing the status report for stakeholders,the project manager discovers a negative cost variance for a project where 10 percent of their work has been completed. What should the project manager do prior to meeting with the stakeholders?


Forecast the estimate at completion(EAC).


Initiate change control procedures.


Put the project on hold until a response strategy is determine


Use the contingency reserve.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B



7、 [单选] 由于突然和极端的汇率波动,进口项目设备的成本增加了27%。项目经理应该如何减轻这个成本超支问题?

Due to sudden and extreme exchange rate fluctuations,the cost of imported project equipment has increased by 27 percent.What should the project manager do to mitigate this cost overrun?


Absorb the additional cost using change control procedures.


Fund the additional cost using the management reserve.


Revise the cost baseline to reflect current conditions


Subsidize the cost overrun with the contingency reserve.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:突然&极端提示了风险超出预期,需要动用管理储备。 管理储备不包括在成本基准中,但属于项目总预算和资金需求的一部分。当动用管理储备资助不可预见的工作时,就要把动用的管理储备增加到成本基准中,从而导致成本基准变更。

8、 [单选] 一个项目的完工预算本(BAC)100,000美元。目前的项目报告显示该项目符合进度和预算。一位团队成员对相关工作包进行自下而上的估算,表明剩余工作将比原计划少用10,000美元, 并且仍能按进度计划交付。 那么完工估算(EAC)是多少?

A project’s budget at completion(BAC) is US$ 100,000. Current project reports show it is on schedule and on budget. A team member performed a bottom-up estimate of the relevant work package, which indicates that the remaining work will require US$10,000 less than originally planned and can still be delivered on schedule. What is the estimate at completion(EAC) ?









正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:预算10万,少用1万,就是用 9万就能完成。

9、 [单选] 完成一项目任务所需的设备价格上涨了 50%。 项目经理首先应该怎么做?

The price of equipment required to complete a project task increases by 50 percent., What should the project manager do first?


Submit a change request for the approval of additional funds.


Issue a change request to reduce the scope to maintain the original budget.


Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine the impact on the budget.


Negotiate a lower price with the supplier.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:价格大幅上涨,就存在值得不值得的问题了,要进行成本效益分析,分析影响。

10、 [单选] 在估算项目成本时,项目经理与一位主题专家(SME)合作,该专家曾有低估交付项目需求所需工作的历史。然而,在所有其他领域,该主题专家是一位很好的贡献者,备受尊重,并且经常有相关方需要他。 若要主动减轻低估项目工作的风险,项目经理应该怎么做?

While estimating project costs, a project manager works with a subject matter expert (SME) who has historically underestimated the effort necessary to deliver project requirements. In all other areas, however, the SME is a good contributor, well respected, and often requested by stakeholder. To proactively mitigate the risk of underestimation, what should the project manager do?


Periodically review objectives and requirements with the SME during estimation and use other resources to review the submitted estimates.


Notify project stakeholders that any estimates submitted by the SME must be increased by 20% percent.


Ignore previous issues with estimates from this SME and continue with the process unchange


Remove the SME from the project and request a resource who can provide more accurate estimates.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A。 解析:PMBOK(6),Page240,7.2成本估算。本题可使用排除法,A为正面应对,也很妥善;B直接增加20%的预算太片面;C和D 忽略或排除并没有解决问题。

11、 [单选] 到目前为止本该完成百分之八十的一个项目只完成了百分之七十五,项目总预算为100,000美元,已完成工作实际成本(ACWP)为72,000美元。根据这些信息可以确定什么?

A project that should have been 80 percent completed by now is only 75 percent complete The total project budget is US$100,000 and the actual cost of work performed(ACWP)is US$72,000. What can be determined from this information?


The project is under budget, has a schedule performance index(SPI)of 0.94,and a cost performance index(CPI)of 1.04.


The project is over budget,has an SPI of 1.07, and CPI of 0.96.


The project is over budget,has an SPI of 0.96, and CPI of 1.04.

 D:该项目低于预算,其SPI为0.94, CP1为0.96

The project is under budget,has an SPI of 0.94, and CPI of 0.96.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:PV=8万,EV=7.5万,AC=7.2万,BAC=10万。 SPI=EV/PV=7.5/8=0.94<1 CPI=EV/AC=7.5/7.2=1.04>1 进度落后,成本节省。

12、 [单选] 在一个价值100万美元的项目中途,项目经理进行挣值分析(EVA),分析显示计划价值(PV)为623,000美元,挣值(EV)为523,000美元,实际成本(AC)为643,000美元。 根据这些数字,项目的成本偏差(CV)和进度偏差(SV)分别是多少?

In midway of a US$1 million project, the project manager conducts an earned value analysis(EVA). The analysis shows a planned value (PV) of US$623,000, an earned value (EV) of US$523,000, and an actual cost (AC) of US$643,000.Based on these numbers, what is the project’s cost variance (CV)and schedule variance(SV)?

 A:CV =+120.000美元,SV =+100,000美元

CV = +US$120,000, and SV - +US$ 100,000

 B:CV =+100.000美元,SV =+120,000美元

CV = +US$ 100,000, and SV - +US$ 120,000

 C:CV =-100.000美元,SV = -120,000 元

CV = -US$100,000, and SV- -US$120,000

 D:CV = -120.000美元,SV = -100,000美元

CV = -US$120,000, and SV--US$100,000

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:BAC=100万,PV=623000, EV=523000,AC=643000,CV=EV-AC=523000-643000=-120000, SV=EV-PV=523000-623000=-100000。

13、 [单选] 根据一个工程项目的合同条款,付款与项目总体进度的百分比挂钩,项目经理必须提交月度进度报告,以促进发票开具流程,在项目团队成员每月报告其分配的活动时,项目经理应该如何保持健康的现金流?

Per an engineering project’s contract terms, payment are linked to the project’s percentage of the overall progress. The project manager must submit monthly progress reports to facilitate the invoicing process. As project team members report monthly on their assigned activities,what should the project manager do to maintain a healthy cash flow?


Assign A team member to integrate the data


Provide project reports


Perform a quantitative analysis


Apply earned value (EV) principle

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


14、 [单选] 在收尾项目之前,项目经理进行了挣值分析(EVA),分析表明,进度绩效指数(SPI)为0.7,成本绩效指数(CPI)为1.0,这些结果说明项目处于什么状态?

Just prior to closing a project, the project manager conducted an earned value analysis (EVA). The analysis shows that the schedule performance index (SPI) is 0.7 and the cost performance index (CPI) is 1.0. What do these results indicate about the project?


The project was behind schedule and within budget, but was canceled before all deliverables were finished


The project was on schedule and over budget, but was canceled before all deliverables were finished


All deliverables were finished, and the project was completed ahead of schedule and within budget


All deliverables were finished, and the project was completed on schedule and over budget

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


15、 [单选] 公司的标准政策是为项目预算中的每个单项增加5%的应急费用,财务部门要求对某一特定单项增加10%的应急费用,因为它涉及一个新的可交付成果,该单项的主题专家(SME)认为15%的应急费用更为合适,发起人要求项目经理将预算中的平均应急费用降低到3%,项目经理应该为该特定单项增加多少百分比的应急费用?

The company's policy is to add a 5 percent contingency to each line item in the project budget, the financial department requirements a 10 percent contingency on a specific line item because it involves a new deliverables, A subject matter expert (SME) for this line item believes that a 15 percent contingency is more appropriate, The sponsor asks the project manager to reduce the average contingency across the budget to 3 percent,what contingency percentage should the project manager add to the specific line item?


3 percent


5 percent


10 percent


15 percent

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


16、 [单选] 项目发起人要去立即对具有明确任务的新项目进行估算。项目经理认为这个项目与另一个最近完成的项目类似。项目经理应该使用什么来确定估算?

A project sponsor requests immediate estimates for a new project with well-defined tasks.The project manager determines that this project is similar to another recently completed project.What should the project manager use to determine the estimates?


Reserve analysis and cost aggregation


Expert judgment and cost estimating


Funding reconciliation and reserve analysis


Analogous estimating and cost aggregation

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


17、 [单选] 最新项目报告显示进度绩效指数(SPI)为1.1,成本绩效指数(CPI)为0.9。项目经理应该怎么做?

The latest project report shows a schedule performance index(SPI)of 1.1 and a cost performance index (CPI)of 0.9.What should the project manager do?


Crash the schedule to put the project back on track.


Determine the cause of the cost variance and choose a corrective action.


Identify opportunities to reduce the project scope.


Continue to monitor cost and schedule.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


18、 [单选] 项目发起人要求项目经理确保在预算范围内交付产品,项目经理应使用什么技术?

A project sponsor ask a project manager to ensure that a product is delivered within budget. What technique should the project manager use?


cost-benefit analysis


Prevention costs


Design for X


Statistical sampling

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


19、 [单选] 在预算批准过程中,项目经理进行了一些初步估算,包括范围和潜在的风险储备。在提交预算以供批准后,要求项目经理提交更准确的预算。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

During the budget approval process, the project manager makes some initial estimations that include scope and potential risk reserves. After submitting the budget for approval,the project manager is asked to submit one that is more accurate. What should the project manager do next?


Run a bottom up Estimate and provide A new budget


Perform a cost-benefit analysis to support the current budget estimations


Conduct a top-down estimates and provide new budget


Review the rationalisation of the estimates to ensure that they are accurate and current

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK7.2.2.4 自下而上估算是对工作组成部分进行估算的一种方法。首先对单个工作包或活动的成本进行最具体、细致的估算。

20、 [单选] 在趋势分析过程中,项目经理得出结论,项目绩效已经恶化。这个结论是基于什么信息得出的?

During the trend analysis,the project manager concluded that the project performance has deteriorateOn What information is this conclusion based?


Earned value analysis (EVA)


Estimate at Completion (EAC)


Cost of Quality (COQ)


Planned value (PV)

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK7.4.2.2 挣值分析将实际进度和成本绩效与绩效测量基准进行比较。

21、 [单选] 项目经理正在为刚刚进入第三次迭代的项目使用混合方法。完工预算(BAC)为500,000美元,已经完成100个故事点中的50个,每个故事点价值5,000美元,项目实际成本(AC)为400,000美元。管理层要求在下一次指导委员会会议上提交成本状态报告。项目经理应该使用什么来提交该报告?

A project manager is using a hybrid approach for a project that has just entered its third iteration. The budget at completion (BAC) is $500,000 and 50 story points out of 100 have been complete Each story point is worth $5,000 and the actual cost (AC) of the project is $400,000. Management requests that a cost status report be presented of the next steering committee meeting. What should the project manager use to present this?


Information rediator


S curve


Bum-down chart


Bum-up chart

正确答案:B 你的答案:B




22、 [单选] 项目团队正通过估算每个工作包来制定项目预算。团队使用过往项目的统计值和历史数据。这使用的是什么估算工具或技术?

A project team is developing a project budget by estimating each work package.The team uses statistical values and historical data from past projects. What estimating tool or technique is being used?


Reserve analysis


Analogous estimating


Expert judgment


Parametric estimating

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK7.2.2.3 参数估算。参数估算强调统计关系、统计分析。

23、 [单选] 供应商建议项目经理,为了满足要求的规格,需要更换特定材料。为确保成本基准不受影响,项目经理应该审查下列哪一项?

A supplier activates the project manager that,to meet the requested specifications,replacement of a specific material is required,What should the project manager to ensure that the cost baseline is unaffected?


Management reserve.


Contingency reserve.


Cost forecast.


Earned value(EV)analysis.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:考点:7.4 控制成本。确保成本符合特定要求,需要确认成本绩效与绩效测量基准是否一致。最好的工具就是挣值分析,通过挣值分析来持续监控偏差。

24、 [单选] 项目经理正在监督一个不可避免、不可控制、也无法转移的严重风险,由于这个风险需要额外的资金,项目经理应该做什么?

A project manager is overseeing a serious risk that is neither avoidable,controllable,nor transferable.Since this risk requires extra funding,what should the project manager do?


Perform a qualitative risk analysis.


Escalate the risk to an external party.


Mitigate the risk.


Use the contingency reserve.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:由题意得,对于“已知-未知”的风险,使用应急储备。见PMBOK6版7.2.2.6 储备分析,题干可知,不可避免控制和转移,所以C不对,同时因为正在监督,说明已经完成了风险分析。B上报给一个外部方不正确。

25、 [单选] 一个项目开始时,项目经理必须准备一份快速、高层级的成本估算,该项目经理之前管理过一个具有类似规模和复杂性的项目。 项目经理应该使用下列哪项工具或技术来准备估算?

At the beginning of a project,a project manager must prepare a quick,high-level cost estimate.The project manager previously worked a project ofsimilar size and complexity What tools and techniques should the project manager use to develop the estimate?


Expert judgment and analogous estimating.


Bottom-up estimating and reserve analysis.


Three-point estimating and cost of quality(COQ).


Top-down estimating and decision making.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


26、 [单选] 一家组织正在一个新兴市场启动一个项目。这个市场的法规将在项目的生命周期中快速而持续地发生变化,项目发起人要求项目经理提供预算估测。 项目经理应使用什么工具或技术来提供预算预测?

An organization is kick-starting a project in an emerging market whereregulation will rapidly and continuously change during its life cycle.The projectsponsor asks the project manager for a budget forecast. What tools and techniques should the project manager use to provide this?


Fish bone diagram.


Three-point estimating.


Alternatives analysis.


Morite Cario analysis.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


27、 [单选] 项目经理确定项目的进度绩效指数(SPI)为1.2,成本绩效指数(CPI)为0.8。项目目前的状态是什么?

A project manager determines that the a project's schedule performanceindex(SPI)is 1.2,and its cost performance index(CPI)is 0.8.What is the project a current status?


Behind schedule and under budget.


Ahead of schedule and under budget.


Behind schedule and over budget.


Ahead of schedule and over budget.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


28、 [单选] 项目经理正在执行一个历时数年的大型跨国项目,除了一个地区外,项目经理确定所在地区的成本偏差(CV)均低于10%。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?

A project manager is executing a larger-scale,multi-national project that will span several years.The project manager identifies that the cost variance (CV)is under 10 percent in all regions except one. What should the project manager have done to avoid do?


Considered exchange and inflation rates in all regions.


Logged exchange and the inflation rates in the risks register.


Included contingencies for that region.


Requested additional resources.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK第6版7.2.2.6数据分析-储备分析 进行风险分析之后,需要为应对风险进行储备分析,规划相关应急储备。

29、 [单选] 在一个施工项目期间,由于大雨影响了混凝土的一致性,混凝土无法使用。这种可能性及其估算成本已在风险登记册中确定。项目经理应该如何提供额外成本的资金?

During a construction project,concrete is unable to be used because heavy rain affected its consistency:This possibility and its estimated cost were already identified in the risk register. How should the project manager fund the additional costs?


Apply the budget reserve.


Request reserves from the client.


Use the management reserve.


Access the contingency reserve.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:首先考量该可能性及估算已在风险登记册中确定,这个是应急储备的标志。(成本中已知的未知)应该先评估应急储备,以确定用什么方式提供额外成本资金。PMBOK第6版7.2.2.6数据分析-储备分析 进行风险分析之后,需要为应对风险进行储备分析,规划相关应急储备。

30、 [单选] 项目经理将一个大型项目划分为三个区域,并为每个区域分配一个区域协调员。远程站点的一个协调员报告说,由于难以找到技术熟练的资源,他们产生了高额成本。 项目经理应该做什么?

A project manager divided a large project into three regions,with a regional coordinator assigned to each one.One coordinator at a remote site reports they are incurring high costs because skilled resources are difficult to fin What should the project manager do?


Conduct a cost-benefit analysis.


Estimate the cost of outsourcing the remote site's tasks.


Analyze the effect of the increased costs on the overall budget.


Perform an earned value analysis(EVA).

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


31、 [单选] 项目团队正在估算一个新项目的成本,希望利用之前项目的成本估算。若要获得最准确和可靠的估算,团队应审查哪一份文件?

A project team is estimating a new project' s cost and wants to use cost estimates from a previews project.To obtain the most accurate and reliable estimate,what document should the team review?


Project charter.


Business case.


Project scope statement.


Project close-out report.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


32、 [单选] 在审查所有项目的财务业绩时,项目管理办公室(PMO)提出对一个项目感到担忧,根据项目所有者和相关方的反馈,项目经理确信项目表现良好。项目经理可以应用哪一个指标来量化其假设?

While reviewing the financial performance of all projects,the project management office(PMO)raises one project as a concern.The project manager is confident that this project is performing well based on project owner and stakeholder feedback. What metric should the project manager apply to quantify their assumption?Earned value(EV)


Cost performance index(CPI).


Financial performance.


Earned value(EV).


Cost baseline comparison.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



