电子书阅读器Clearview 以及 ".c

多格式电子书阅读器 ------ Clearview
Clearview:简洁易用的电子书阅读器,标签页浏览外观,直观好用的图书管理功能,支持 PDF, Epub, MOBI, CHM 四种流行的电子书格式,可以方便地添加注解,插入书签 以及迅速的搜索查找。

当然我使用的是 破解版 😂😂😂😂😂
- 易用的图书管理功能。
只需把存放图书文件的文件夹从 Finder 中拖拽到 Clearview 的书架,图书文件信息将被迅速导入,然后您就可以方便地浏览,搜索,组织,和阅读图书了。通过图书文件夹和阅读列表结合的方式来管理图书,一切都变得简单起来。 - Cover flow 预览模式;
- 通过拖放方便地打造阅读列表;
- 编辑图书元信息;
- 标签页风格的阅读窗口便于流畅高效的阅读。
- 恢复关闭的多个标签页;
- 强大的搜索功能。可以通过文件名,内容,标题,作者,出版社,迅速地查找到文件,还可以在阅读图书时搜索文档内容。
- 搜索结果按页面或者相关性排序;
- 支持 PDF, EPUB, CHM, MOBI 四种流行的图书格式, Clearview 对这几种格式的图书都提供了统一的上佳阅读体验。
- 图书页面缩略图显示;
- 设置不同的页面颜色主题和字体(普通,褐色,夜间阅读);
- 打印功能;
- 所有格式的图书都能以四种不同的布局来阅读,连续滚动或翻页,单页展示或双栏;
您甚至可以像阅读 PDF 一样连续地滚动阅读 EPUB, CHM 和 MOBI 图书。 - 所有格式图书均支持注解和书签
您所做的修改都可以自动保存到图书数据库中,没有恼人的保存提示来打扰您的流畅阅读。 - 直线,箭头,矩形,椭圆形,高亮显示,下划线,删除线,文本,注释 - PDF 注解;
- 笔记/注释,高亮显示,下划线,删除线 - EPUB, MOBI, CHM 支持的注解;
- 可以设置注解的颜色和线宽;
- 导出内嵌注解的 PDF;
- 导出笔记为 RTF 文档;
注意:不支持 DRM保护的电子书;
Easy-to-use tabbed style ebook reader, equipped with library shelf, supports popular ebook formats as PDF, EPUB (DRM free), CHM, MOBI, FB2 and comic books(CBR, CBZ). You can make annotations, insert bookmarks, and do searching freely, and access your notes, bookmarks and book collections across multiple devices.What's special with Clearview reader?
• Easy and intuitive books management.
Just drag the folders containing e-book files from finder and drop on the Clearview shelf, all the files information will be imported to the library quickly, then you can browse, search and read the books from shelf easily. With book folders and book collections cooperating together, you will find that books organization is such an easy thing.
- Cover flow preview of books.
- Drag and drop from library or finder to construct book collections.
- Capability to edit book meta info and change book cover.
• Tabbed style window make reading smooth and efficient.
With several related books organized in the same window, you do not have to look for and switch between the book windows everywhere. further more, with a shelf tab and book file tabs living in the same window, browsing and reading is so easy.
- Restore multiple closed tabs;
• Powerful searching capabilities.
You can find a book quickly by the file name, content, author, title or publisher.
You can also search in a book for specified texts.
- Sorting search results by page or rank.
• Popular book formats support, PDF, EPUB, CHM, MOBI(azw, azw3), FB2 and CBR(CBZ), with almost the same excellent reading experiences.
- Thumbnails display of book pages.
- Book page color themes (Normal, Sepia, Night time);
- Text fonts adjustment (Size, line height and font family).
- Printing support for all book formats;
• Each of 4 book formats can be presented in four reading layouts. Page flip or continuous scrolling, single page or two columns.
- adjust page margin;
Yes, you can read a EPUB, MOBI or CHM book like a PDF book in a continuous mode, by scrolling pages quickly, you do not have to flip page and a page, and no need to pause to click the next chapter.
• Annotations and bookmarks support on all 4 book formats.
Revisions will be saved in library database automatically, not on the original book files, so "save changes" prompt dialog won't appear in your smooth reading.
- For pdf, you can also choose (with a preference option) to save annotations to the original pdf file, this way make Clearview a compact editor for pdf;
- Line, arrow, rectangle, ellipse, highlight, strike, underline, free text, comments - for PDF annotations;
- Note/Comment, highlight, strike, underline - for EPUB, MOBI, CHM annotations;
- Customizable annotation colors and line width;
- Export PDF with annotations;
- Export notes as RTF file, pdf or print;
- Export/convert epub/mobi/chm book as a pdf book;
• Syncing annotations, bookmarks, book collections and meta informations with iCloud
You can read a book make annotations to it on multiple Macs and sync them with iCloud.
IMPORTANT: No support for DRM protected ebooks! (Such as many of the books sold on iTunes or other book stores)
What's New in Version 1.9.6
- Restore opening tabs after crash;
- Adjustment page down and page up keys behavior;
- Optimize search;
- Add custom font option to reading preferences;
应用操作过程 的截图:




如果是系统的图片预览功能 处理PDF类型的书籍,操作会比较慢~

“最近阅读”的书籍 删除操作: