
2019-08-11  本文已影响0人  Keyliva

Describing Actions

Silly: foolish or stupid or ridiculous; the opposite of serious.

He is being silly, so we should just ignore him.

That's a silly idea, so I don't think she means what she's saying.

He expects people to laugh when he's being silly, but I don't think it's funny.

Amazing: to be incredible or so good as to be hard to believe; the opposite of ordinary.

That company's new products are truly amazing.

She gave an amazing performance, especially after all the difficulties she had to overcome.

It's amazing what people can accomplish if they are determined.

Crucial: to be of extreme importance or an essential part; the opposite of optional.

It's crucial that we get them to sign the contract by the end of the week.

Getting that data is crucial for our success.

We can't do this without their help, so it's crucial that you get them to cooperate.

Impressive: to stand out and be unforgettable in a good way.

His presentation was so impressive that we decided to hire him right away.

They have an impressive website, but the quality of their products is pathetic.

Their design was impressive, but the costs were much higher than we could afford, so we had to reject it.

Realistic: to be possible and attainable.

That deadline isn't realistic, so we need to ask for more time.

He isn't being realistic when he expects to charge such high prices for his products.

It's ok for you to have high expectations, but they need to be realistic or you'll fail.

It's a silly proposal, so nobody is going to support it.

It's crucial that airline pilots get enough sleep before they fly.

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