

2019-04-26  本文已影响0人  参朮苓草

April 25:


The Object of Cultivation Must Be Your Mind

No matter what form of cultivation we use, its object must be our own mind. When the mind is corrected in our actions we will naturally benefit living beings and go toward the good.

That's why it is said that a straightforward mind is the place where the path is cultivated.

When the mind begins to go astray, and controlled by desires, people become an army of demon and their behavior tends toward injuring others to benefit themselves.(page 185)

~An excerpt from The World is a Reflection of the Mind.

Author: Xuemo, translated by J.C.Cleary





Golden sentence:

No matter what form of cultivation we use, its object must be our own mind.



cultivate /ˈkʌltɪˌveɪt/ V-T If you cultivate land or crops, you prepare land and grow crops on it. 开垦; 种植 例:She also cultivated a small garden of her own.她还开垦了一个自己的小花园。

straightforward:ADJ If you describe something as straightforward, you approve of it because it is easy to do or understand. 容易的; 易懂的表赞许 例:The question seemed straightforward enough.这个问题看起来够容易的了。ADJ If you describe a person or their behaviour as straightforward, you approve of them because they are honest and direct, and do not try to hide their feelings. 坦率的表赞许

例:She is very blunt, very straightforward, and very honest.她直言不讳,非常坦率,也非常诚实。

astray /əˈstreɪ/ PHRASE If you are led astray by someone or something, you behave badly or foolishly because of them. 引某人偏离正道

例:The judge thought he'd been led astray by older children.法官认为他是被更大的孩子们引入了歧途。

demon /ˈdiːmən/ N-COUNT A demon is an evil spirit. 魔鬼

例:...a woman possessed by demons.…一个被魔鬼附身的女人。


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