

2019-08-21  本文已影响1人  5d2504a93146

Deatrick Video_腾讯视频

Brian Deatrick 一位在日本居住的美国人。髋关节疼痛困扰了他很多年,在难以忍受疼痛之后多方咨询,得知人工髋关节置换是最好的治疗方法。其后 在美国等地各大医院的检查,最后决定来札幌接受石部医生的手术。手术十分成功,术后也恢复良好,于是发来了以下这封信以及自己的康复视频。


  My right hip pain had grown increasingly worse for several years. I could not sleep on my right side, endured constant pain, and encountered difficulty walking normally. When it reached the stage where turning a certain way wouldcause me to nearly fall, I knew it was time to face hip replacement surgery.


Finding Ishibe Clinic 找到石部基实诊所

 Online research about total hip replacement in Japan revealed a study showing that surgical success is related to the number of surgeries performed at a medical institution; i.e., experience really does count. More research led me to the institution with the most hip surgery experience of all: Ishibe Clinic. Dr.Ishibe practices "minimally invasive" surgery when feasible, enabling quicker healing and recovery. I was anxious to be accepted as his patient.

日本全髋关节置换术的网上搜查结果表明,髋关节置换手术成功率与医疗机构手术的次数成正比,即经验致胜。许多资料都直接指向石部基实诊所——拥有最丰富髋关节置换手术经验的医院。石部医生根据患者情况进行 “微创”手术——让创口能更快愈合,因此我下定决心在此就诊。

Initial Exam 初诊

Before my visit to Ishibe Clinic I had been examined at several clinics and hospitals both Japanese and American. The Ishibe Clinic's exam and Dr. Ishibe's consultation were the most comprehensive and qualified me for the minimally invasive procedure. I was strongly impressed that Dr. Ishibe views the patientas a fellow living human being and not just as the bones seen in the x-ray. The thorough exam, the experience of thousands of surgeries, and his holistic approach to the patient gave me the confidence to proceed with the operation.

我在石部基实诊所就诊之前,曾在多家日本和美国的诊所和医院接受过检查。 石部基实诊所的常规检查和石部医生的问诊对我来说是最全面可靠的的,其团队也是最有资格为我实行这次微创手术的治疗。给我留下深刻印象的是,石部医生不会把患者简简单单的物化成一个个X-光片里照出来的骨头,而是把每个人都当成是在这个世界上和自己一样拥有鲜活生命的同胞。彻底的术前检查,数以千计的成功经验,立足患者自身情况整体排查的医疗观,都坚定了我在此手术的决心。

Operation 手术

The operation was performed at Sapporo Geka Kinen Hospital. Current American practice discharges the patient a day or two after the operation but Dr.Ishibe's method includes recovery and rehabilitation treatment in the hospital before returning the patient into the physical challenges of everyday life.This is particularly important to prevent deep vein thrombosis - blood clots.In America I was told I couldn't travel by air for six weeks after the operation because of the risk of this problem. I flew home from Sapporo the day of my hospital release, only eight days after the operation. I believe that extra treatment time in the 24-hour hospital care environment was very important to my safe and quick recovery.

手术地点是札幌外科纪念医院。目前在美国实施手术的惯例是术后一天或者两天要求病患出院,但是石部医生的做法是住院期间包含患者的术后康复和复健治疗,以保证每位患者能尽可能的回归到日常生活中,并且面临生活中的各种挑战。这对防止深静脉血栓的形成 - 血块尤为重要。在美国的时候,医生告诉我术后6个星期不能乘坐飞机出行,就是因为存在这种风险。然而在接受石部医生手术后的第8天出院当天,我便飞回家了。我相信,能使我没有后顾之忧的正是这24小时全天护理的医疗环境——这额外的康复训练对我的安全和迅速康复无比重要。

One hears that hip replacement is "routine" because thousands are done annually, but no matter how routine the operation may be, there is nothing routine about it when it happens to YOU. I'm very grateful for the kind and dedicated treatment I received from the hospital staff as well as from Dr. Ishibe and his operating team. It is only their caring and professional service that enables the patient to view the operation as routine. When I was discharged Iactually felt a touch of sadness to part from my new friends.


Rehabilitation (出院后的)复健

The Ishibe Clinic teaches the patient how to perform daily rehabilitation at home and I've followed those instructions. Of course, Ishibe Clinic advice and assistance is only a phone call or email away. The 60-day checkup showed good progress and encouraged me to exercise harder and be more physically active.


Six Months Recovery Report    


I am writing this exactly six months after the operation. I do not need a cane or other supportive device. I walk normally and most of the time I forget that I had an operation at all. I only have to remember not to bend my knee to less than 90 degrees to my body, and if I forget, my hip reminds me. Otherwise,there is no pain. I can't sit cross-legged but being an American that was always difficult for me, so I don't miss it. I was advised to give up my hobby of sea kayaking but found that with a little care getting in and out of the kayak I'm paddling as happily as before the operation, twice on the Sea of Japan within the last week. As the attached video shows, I can even do an amateurish country style tap-dance. Ballroom dancing lessons are in my near future plans.


I only have one regret about my hip replacement operation: I wish I had done it sooner! Thank you, Dr. Ishibe, and all the kind people at your clinic and the Sapporo Geka Kinen Hospital.


Brian Deatrick

Kyotango, Japan






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