【Book】Born a Crime 10.5笔记

2017-10-05  本文已影响0人  蓝醇


I had a wide berth to explore myself.

berth 停泊处;锚位;卧铺


give a wide berth     to to keep clear of; avoid

My mom was the only force I truly feared.


用作名词的基本意思是“力; 力量; 力气”,是不可数名词。引申可表示“控制力”“影响力; 效力”“说服力”  force也可表示“武力,暴力”,为不可数名词。

force还可作“部队; 武力; 兵力”解,这时常用复数形式forces作主语时,其谓语动词则既可用复数形式也可用单数形式。


例句She is a force to be reckoned with.她是一个需要认真对待的有影响力的人物。

There is force in what he said.他的话有说服力。

The Chinese ideographs are a unifying force in China.汉字在中国是一种起统一作用的力量。

I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t run, so I just spun around real quick

spin around 向四周旋转,转圈圈



His grandmother spun him a yarn at the fire.他奶奶在火炉边给他讲故事。

“Come along,” they said. “You’re rolling with us.”


roll的基本意思是“滚动”,指一个物体(如圆柱体)在另一物体接触面上不断移动; 引申可表示“卷”“把…卷成筒状”“碾平”等; 在非正式英语中,可指岁月“流逝”,时间不知不觉地“度过”等。

be on a roll(informal)

连连获胜;连续交好运to be experiencing a period of success at what you are doing


It’s a very passionate language. Outside of that, my mother picked up different languages here and there. She learned Zulu because it’s similar to Xhosa. She spoke German because of my father. She spoke Afrikaans because it is useful to know the language of your oppressor. Sotho she learned in the streets.

真佩服他妈妈,学习了这么多语言。这也间接影响了Trevor,后来会了那么多语言,也许语言在某些地方总是共通的吧。但是能发现他妈妈学会另外的语言都不是无缘无故的,学Zulu,because it’s similar to Xhosa,学German,because of his father,学Afrikaans, because it is useful to know the language of your oppressor,学Sotho ,she learned in the streets。发现都是由于周围环境和为了更好的生存而学习的。所以她希望Trevor第一语言是English也是希望有更好的未来。

如果你想吸收一种文化,想透彻地了解甚至融入一种文化,虽然语言是否能承载文化,还不能确定。但如果你想吸收一种文化,你必须一定程度地掌握承载这种文化的语言。有了语言才能更好的交流,这也是他学到的,在妈妈的影响下,他学会了很多语言,成为一个变色龙,有一次还因此摆脱了被抢劫。不过作为一个混血儿,他是有点迷茫的,因为他发现后来他不得不选择一方。但是the black kids embraced me.他说所以With the black kids, I wasn’t constantly trying to be. With the black kids, I just was.


