英译中 | 猫聪明吗?
Are cats intelligent?

My Mom had a cat that we nicknamed YCBYD. It stands for, “You’re Cute But You’re Dumb.” She was incredibly sweet and cuddly, but she couldn’t think her way out of a paper bag. Literally. On several occasions.
Some years later I had a cat named TomBob. His nickname was the Little Cat Scientist. He figured out how to open the cabinet where his kibble was kept, pull the box off the shelf and help himself to a midnight snack. If you took too long in the bathroom, he would stand on his hind legs, open the door and come stare at you until you were ready to feed him. He would pat my eyelids with his paws very gently to get me to wake up. He knew that once my eyes were open, breakfast was on the way. Not my nose. Not my cheeks. Only my eyes. He loved bubble wrap. he would walk onto it and find the unpopped bubbles and pop them with his claws. Every single one until they were all gone. And he liked to play Jenga. He wasn’t very good at it, but every time we set up the tiles, he would comes sit and stare at them, waving his tail gently back and forth. The minute we looked away, bang, crash, Jenga tiles all over the floor!
So I guess cats are like humans. Some are a lot smarter than others.
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