
Don't want to say goodbye

2019-04-20  本文已影响3人  鲜宇夫

The sky seems to be drunk

A light rain was falling

Are you crying

Do you also have people who never forget

Why do some people forget when they love

Can't remember the name and face, why still can't forget

It turns out that the taste of a person is like this

It's easy to say, but hard to do

Actually, I don't want to disturb you any more

I just can't convince myself to forget you

When there is rain, the thoughts begin to spread wildly

Since you live in the heart, there is no one night is calm sleep

Whether I want to say goodbye or not, I will never see you again

I just want to be happy as soon as possible

We have promised not to separate as long as we live

It doesn't occur that we have been apart for many years

Don't want to say goodbye

