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You Drive Your Own Life 20190828

2019-08-28  本文已影响0人  JackyHCXP


You can't kill the deep roots by cutting off a few top branches.  一棵树不会因为被剪断顶端的树杈而失去生命。

I woke up at 5:40 this morning, but I had a headache so I went to sleep till to 6:30.  and then I went to restaurant to have breakfast with Oscar together.

as usual, I made the data analysis and then sent to the team.

I will learn the politics this morning after I arrange the thing in the office.

my GM will not in the company today.

we went to the restaurant after T3 meeting, we had beans, cabbages and rice for lunch today.  both of them are green vegetables.

i had a short rest about 35 minutes in the noon, it is very comfortable now, and then I can continue to learn politics this afternoon.

The shearing machine was broken, we can't use it right now.

Relative Automotive News:

1 The former chairman of VW Pierre was dead last Sunday at the age of 82.  he says in his autobiography 'we can't get a company to the top by focuce on the harmony at the top level' he led the VW to the world, and he was a hero to VW.

2 The Shanghai plant of Tesla is adjusting their production line for Model 3, and they will launch mass production at the end of 2019, and will produce 3000 vehicles each week at the early production phase, they only sell them that  produced in the Shanghai plant into the Chinese market.  and they still produce the higher format vehicle in the US.

I sent three emails for the same thing, the first one I forgot statistics from Jan to Mar, and the second one I found I used the wrong formula for the USD unit, so I sent the third one to Wallace, it was very bad state this afternoon.

You Drive Your Own Life 20190828
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