Introduction to Deep Learning Da
1.1 Welcome
• AI is the new Electricity.
• Electricity had once transformed countless industries: transportation, manufacturing, healthcare, communications, and more.
• AI will now bring about an equally big transformation.
1.2 What you’ll learn
Courses in this sequence (Specialization):
1 Neural Networks and Deep Learning
2 Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization
3 Structuring your Machine Learning project
4 Convolutional Neural Networks
5 Natural Language Processing: Building sequence models
1.3 What is a Neural Network?
Basic intuitions
The term deep learning refers to training neural networks.
Example 1 – Single neural network
Example 2 – Multiple neural network
If you think of this neuron is being like a single Logo brick, you then get a bigger neural network by stacking together many of these Lego bricks.
By stacking together a few of the single neurons, we now have a slightly larger neuro network.
Part of the magic of a neural network is that when you implement it you need to give it just the input - x and the output y, for the number of examples in your training set and all these things in the middle it will figure out by itself.
Hidden units in a neural network that each of them takes its input of four input features.
And the remarkable thing about neural networks is that given enough data about x and y, given enough training examples with both x and y, neural networks are remarkably good at figuring out functions that accurately map from x to y.
Neural networks
Single neural network
Multiple neural network
Housing Price Prediction
Function ReLU