Steve Jobs-08-乔布斯 vs. 盖茨
Ch 16 — Gates and Jobs: when orbits intersect
Ch16 重点介绍个人电脑初期的两个时代人物:乔布斯和盖茨之间的关系。尤其是开头段写的很妙:以天文学中,由于引力作用而出现的双星系统为喻,先是提到物理学界的两位巨匠爱因斯坦和波尔的量子物理争论,以及美国建国初期的杰斐逊和汉密尔顿的不同治国理念,顺理成章引起70年代末乔布斯和盖茨这两位重量级人物在个人电脑领域的 “相爱相杀”~
In astronomy, a binary system occurs when the orbits of two stars are linked because of their gravitational interaction. There have been analogous situation in history, when an era is shaped by the relationship and rivalry of two orbiting superstars: Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr in twentieth-century physics, for example, or Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton in early American governance. For the first thirty years of the personal computer age, beginning in the late 1970s, the defining binary star system was composed of two high-energy college dropouts both born in 1955.
两个人有不少的共同点,都出生于 1955 年,都中途大学辍学,都对计算机领域感兴趣,但两个人之间的不同点更多。
Gates was good at computer coding, unlike Jobs, and his mind was more practical, disciplined, and abundant in analytic processing power. Jobs was more intuitive and romantic and had a greater instinct for making technology usable, design delightful, and interfaces friendly.
关于这两个人在同一个计算机行业,却有着各自不同的细分发展方向,我们都很耳熟能详了。但今天在看完这个章节后,回味着作者在开头段把某个同一时期的两个大人物放在一起对比的时候,我忽然间对 “时势造英雄” 这句话又多了一层的理解。
我一向是很认同这句话的,我觉得时代发展到一定阶段时,总会有某个变革性的人物 “应运而生” 来引导未来社会的发展方向~~~不是你,也会是他,这是必然趋势。但不曾想到的是同时期还会出现不止一个 “英雄”,比如第一段作者列举出来的三对。但正如 “一山不容二虎”,所以他们注定要有不同的理念和变革方向,否则就无法共存,徒生 “既生瑜,何生亮” 的叹息了。