绘本教师训练营【15期】2/21《If I were a cat
今天我想和大家分享的是英文绘本《If I were a cat》。如果想很好的了解这个绘本,我们首先要了解的就是绘本的作者本人。
Anna Llenas,西班牙插画家·艺术治疗学硕士·儿童作家。她的情绪管理绘本The Color Monster已经红遍全球,并荣获“诺提勒斯图书奖”(此奖项是鼓励在提升人类心灵与生态意识上有卓越贡献的作家与书籍)。
故事的开篇,先是提出了一个让人可以浮想联翩的问题。What would happen if you were a cat?
对于自己不喜欢的事物,绘本中所使用的句式为 I would not like
比如:step in puddles on rainy days
go ice skating
go on vocation to your favourite beach
lie down among ballons or water guns
you to put bows on my neck
want to go to the cinema,the theatre or the circus
go to school together, no matter how much you cried
fear the darkness as night time arriced
climb to the top of rhe mountain
I couldn't remember colors as much as you wished
like you to get me a dog as pet
like cakes, sweets or presents
I would prefer to
purr on the fireplace
walk around the balcony
sunbathing on the roof
woolen balls
tickle me on my belly
search for a bettee present for my best friend
miao under the moonlight
stay at home chasing mice
hunt all rhe ghosts
climb on the branches
然而在故事的最后,尽管作为cat它有些那么多的不同和喜好,但是最后,However, if I were a cat,there would be one thing that would never change:
I will always be your friend!