

2018-03-15  本文已影响199人  oceanken

上一篇文章我们介绍了Peer收发消息的机制,它是以Peer之间建立TCP连接为前提的;本文将介绍Peer之间如何建立及维护TCP接连。节点之间可以直接建立连接,也可以通过代理(Proxy)连接;特别地,它们之间还可以通过洋葱代理(Onion Proxy)建立TCP连接,节点也可以将自己隐藏在“暗网”中以洋葱地址的(.onion address)的形式供其他节点连接。接下来,我们将通过代码来分析这些连接方式是如何实现的。


通过代理或者洋葱代理进行TCP连接的代码位于btcsuite/go-socks(btcd项目的btcsuite/btcd/vendor/目录),它实现了SOCKS 5协议的client部分,包含的文件有:

虽然ConnMgr支持通过洋葱代理与“明网”或者“暗网”中的节点连接,但本文暂不深入介绍Tor网络相关的知识,我们将在后文《Bitcoin网络与Tor网络的匿名性讨论》中详细介绍。接下来,我们先分析btcd/connmgr来了解连接建立及管理的机制,然后分析btcsuite/go-socks来了解通过代理进行连接的过程。btcd/connmgr中的主要类型包括: ConnManager、Config和ConnReq,它们的定义如下:


// ConnManager provides a manager to handle network connections.
type ConnManager struct {
    // The following variables must only be used atomically.
    connReqCount uint64
    start        int32
    stop         int32

    cfg            Config
    wg             sync.WaitGroup
    failedAttempts uint64
    requests       chan interface{}
    quit           chan struct{}




// Config holds the configuration options related to the connection manager.
type Config struct {
    // Listeners defines a slice of listeners for which the connection
    // manager will take ownership of and accept connections.  When a
    // connection is accepted, the OnAccept handler will be invoked with the
    // connection.  Since the connection manager takes ownership of these
    // listeners, they will be closed when the connection manager is
    // stopped.
    // This field will not have any effect if the OnAccept field is not
    // also specified.  It may be nil if the caller does not wish to listen
    // for incoming connections.
    Listeners []net.Listener

    // OnAccept is a callback that is fired when an inbound connection is
    // accepted.  It is the caller's responsibility to close the connection.
    // Failure to close the connection will result in the connection manager
    // believing the connection is still active and thus have undesirable
    // side effects such as still counting toward maximum connection limits.
    // This field will not have any effect if the Listeners field is not
    // also specified since there couldn't possibly be any accepted
    // connections in that case.
    OnAccept func(net.Conn)

    // TargetOutbound is the number of outbound network connections to
    // maintain. Defaults to 8.
    TargetOutbound uint32

    // RetryDuration is the duration to wait before retrying connection
    // requests. Defaults to 5s.
    RetryDuration time.Duration

    // OnConnection is a callback that is fired when a new outbound
    // connection is established.
    OnConnection func(*ConnReq, net.Conn)

    // OnDisconnection is a callback that is fired when an outbound
    // connection is disconnected.
    OnDisconnection func(*ConnReq)

    // GetNewAddress is a way to get an address to make a network connection
    // to.  If nil, no new connections will be made automatically.
    GetNewAddress func() (net.Addr, error)

    // Dial connects to the address on the named network. It cannot be nil.
    Dial func(net.Addr) (net.Conn, error)




// ConnReq is the connection request to a network address. If permanent, the
// connection will be retried on disconnection.
type ConnReq struct {
    // The following variables must only be used atomically.
    id uint64

    Addr      net.Addr
    Permanent bool

    conn       net.Conn
    state      ConnState
    stateMtx   sync.RWMutex
    retryCount uint32



// Start launches the connection manager and begins connecting to the network.
func (cm *ConnManager) Start() {
    // Already started?
    if atomic.AddInt32(&cm.start, 1) != 1 {

    log.Trace("Connection manager started")
    go cm.connHandler()                                                                          (1)

    // Start all the listeners so long as the caller requested them and
    // provided a callback to be invoked when connections are accepted.
    if cm.cfg.OnAccept != nil {
        for _, listner := range cm.cfg.Listeners {
            go cm.listenHandler(listner)                                                         (2)

    for i := atomic.LoadUint64(&cm.connReqCount); i < uint64(cm.cfg.TargetOutbound); i++ {
        go cm.NewConnReq()                                                                       (3)


  1. 启动工作协程connHandler;
  2. 启动监听协程listenHandler,等待其他节点连接;
  3. 启动建立连接的协程,选择Peer地址并主动连接;




// Connect assigns an id and dials a connection to the address of the
// connection request.
func (cm *ConnManager) Connect(c *ConnReq) {


    conn, err := cm.cfg.Dial(c.Addr)
    if err != nil {
        cm.requests <- handleFailed{c, err}
    } else {
        cm.requests <- handleConnected{c, conn}

// Disconnect disconnects the connection corresponding to the given connection
// id. If permanent, the connection will be retried with an increasing backoff
// duration.
func (cm *ConnManager) Disconnect(id uint64) {
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&cm.stop) != 0 {
    cm.requests <- handleDisconnected{id, true}

可以看出,建立连接的过程就是调用指定的Dial()方法来进行TCP握手,如果与Peer直连(指不经过代理),则直接调用net.Dial()进行连接;如果通过代理与Peer连接,则会调用SOCKS Proxy的Dial()方法,我们将在分析go-socks中看到。然后,根据是否连接成功向connHandler发送成功或者失败的消息,让connHandler进一步处理。调用Disconnect断开连接则向connHandler发送handleDisconnected消息让connHandler进一步处理。看来,连接或者断开连接的主要处理逻辑在connHandler中,我们来看看它的实现:


// connHandler handles all connection related requests.  It must be run as a
// goroutine.
// The connection handler makes sure that we maintain a pool of active outbound
// connections so that we remain connected to the network.  Connection requests
// are processed and mapped by their assigned ids.
func (cm *ConnManager) connHandler() {
    conns := make(map[uint64]*ConnReq, cm.cfg.TargetOutbound)
    for {
        select {
        case req := <-cm.requests:
            switch msg := req.(type) {

            case handleConnected:
                connReq := msg.c
                connReq.conn = msg.conn
                conns[] = connReq
                log.Debugf("Connected to %v", connReq)
                connReq.retryCount = 0
                cm.failedAttempts = 0

                if cm.cfg.OnConnection != nil {
                    go cm.cfg.OnConnection(connReq, msg.conn)

            case handleDisconnected:
                if connReq, ok := conns[]; ok {
                    if connReq.conn != nil {
                    log.Debugf("Disconnected from %v", connReq)

                    if cm.cfg.OnDisconnection != nil {
                        go cm.cfg.OnDisconnection(connReq)

                    if uint32(len(conns)) < cm.cfg.TargetOutbound && msg.retry {
                } else {
                    log.Errorf("Unknown connection: %d",

            case handleFailed:
                connReq := msg.c
                log.Debugf("Failed to connect to %v: %v", connReq, msg.err)

        case <-cm.quit:
            break out

    log.Trace("Connection handler done")


  1. 如果连接成功,首先更新连接的状态为ConnEstablished,同时将该连接添加到conns中以跟踪它的后续状态,并将retryCount和failedAttempts重置,随后在新的goroutine中回调OnConnection;
  2. 如果要断开连接,先从conns找到要断开的connReq,更新连接状态为ConnDisconnected,调用net.Conn的Close()方法断开TCP连接,随后在新的goroutine中回调OnDisconnection;最后,如果是当前的活跃连接数少于设定的最大门限且retry设为true,则调用handleFailedConn进行重连或者选择新的Peer连接;
  3. 如果连接失败,则将连接状态更新为ConnFailed,同时调用handleFailedConn进行重连或者选择新的Peer连接;

需要注意的是,ConnMgr只处理了连接建立成功或者失败的情况,并没有专门处理连接成功一段时间后连接中断的情况,这是因为TCP socket虽然有keepalive选项开启心跳,但并没有心跳超时的回调,只有当调用write()方法写入数据返回错误时才能检测到连接中断,所以一般需要应用层协议通过心跳的方式检测网络中断的情形。我们在《Btcd区块在P2P网络上的传播之Peer》中介绍过,Peer之间会发送Ping/Pong心跳来维持及检测连接。如果Pong消息超时或者outHandler向net.Conn写数据出错时,Peer的Disconnect()方法会被调用以主动断开连接,并退出Peer的工作协程。当Peer连接建立成功并回调OnConnect()时,server会新起一个goroutine守护与Peer的连接状态;当Peer断连并退出时,server随即会调用ConnMgr的Disconnect()方法以清除该连接。



// handleFailedConn handles a connection failed due to a disconnect or any
// other failure. If permanent, it retries the connection after the configured
// retry duration. Otherwise, if required, it makes a new connection request.
// After maxFailedConnectionAttempts new connections will be retried after the
// configured retry duration.
func (cm *ConnManager) handleFailedConn(c *ConnReq) {
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&cm.stop) != 0 {
    if c.Permanent {
        d := time.Duration(c.retryCount) * cm.cfg.RetryDuration
        if d > maxRetryDuration {
            d = maxRetryDuration
        log.Debugf("Retrying connection to %v in %v", c, d)
        time.AfterFunc(d, func() {
    } else if cm.cfg.GetNewAddress != nil {
        if cm.failedAttempts >= maxFailedAttempts {
            time.AfterFunc(cm.cfg.RetryDuration, func() {
        } else {
            go cm.NewConnReq()()


  1. 如果连接的Permanent为true,即该连接为“持久”连接,连接失败进需要重连;需要注意的时,重连的等待时间是与重连的次数成正比的,即第1次重连需等待5s,第2次重连需要等待10s,以次类推,最大等待时间为5min;
  2. 如果连接不是“持久”连接,则选择新的Peer进行连接,如果尝试新连接的次数超限(默认为25次),则表明节点的出口网络可能断连,需要延时连接,默认延时5s;



/ NewConnReq creates a new connection request and connects to the
// corresponding address.
func (cm *ConnManager) NewConnReq() {


    c := &ConnReq{}
    atomic.StoreUint64(&, atomic.AddUint64(&cm.connReqCount, 1))

    addr, err := cm.cfg.GetNewAddress()
    if err != nil {
        cm.requests <- handleFailed{c, err}

    c.Addr = addr



  1. 新建ConnReq对象,并为其分配一个id;
  2. 通过GetNewAddress()从addrmgr维护的地址仓库中随机选择一个Peer的可达地址,如果地址选择失败,则由connHandler再次发起新的连接;
  3. 调用Connect()方法开始与Peer建立连接;



// listenHandler accepts incoming connections on a given listener.  It must be
// run as a goroutine.
func (cm *ConnManager) listenHandler(listener net.Listener) {
    log.Infof("Server listening on %s", listener.Addr())
    for atomic.LoadInt32(&cm.stop) == 0 {
        conn, err := listener.Accept()
        if err != nil {
            // Only log the error if not forcibly shutting down.
            if atomic.LoadInt32(&cm.stop) == 0 {
                log.Errorf("Can't accept connection: %v", err)
        go cm.cfg.OnAccept(conn)

    log.Tracef("Listener handler done for %s", listener.Addr())




// DynamicBanScore provides dynamic ban scores consisting of a persistent and a
// decaying component. The persistent score could be utilized to create simple
// additive banning policies similar to those found in other bitcoin node
// implementations.
// The decaying score enables the creation of evasive logic which handles
// misbehaving peers (especially application layer DoS attacks) gracefully
// by disconnecting and banning peers attempting various kinds of flooding.
// DynamicBanScore allows these two approaches to be used in tandem.
// Zero value: Values of type DynamicBanScore are immediately ready for use upon
// declaration.
type DynamicBanScore struct {
    lastUnix   int64
    transient  float64
    persistent uint32
    mtx        sync.Mutex




// int returns the ban score, the sum of the persistent and decaying scores at a
// given point in time.
// This function is not safe for concurrent access. It is intended to be used
// internally and during testing.
func (s *DynamicBanScore) int(t time.Time) uint32 {
    dt := t.Unix() - s.lastUnix
    if s.transient < 1 || dt < 0 || Lifetime < dt {
        return s.persistent
    return s.persistent + uint32(s.transient*decayFactor(dt))



// decayFactor returns the decay factor at t seconds, using precalculated values
// if available, or calculating the factor if needed.
func decayFactor(t int64) float64 {
    if t < precomputedLen {
        return precomputedFactor[t]
    return math.Exp(-1.0 * float64(t) * lambda)




// increase increases the persistent, the decaying or both scores by the values
// passed as parameters. The resulting score is calculated as if the action was
// carried out at the point time represented by the third parameter. The
// resulting score is returned.
// This function is not safe for concurrent access.
func (s *DynamicBanScore) increase(persistent, transient uint32, t time.Time) uint32 {
    s.persistent += persistent
    tu := t.Unix()
    dt := tu - s.lastUnix

    if transient > 0 {
        if Lifetime < dt {
            s.transient = 0
        } else if s.transient > 1 && dt > 0 {
            s.transient *= decayFactor(dt)
        s.transient += float64(transient)
        s.lastUnix = tu
    return s.persistent + uint32(s.transient)





// MainNetParams defines the network parameters for the main Bitcoin network.
var MainNetParams = Params{
    Name:        "mainnet",
    Net:         wire.MainNet,
    DefaultPort: "8333",
    DNSSeeds: []DNSSeed{
        {"", true},
        {"", true},
        {"", false},
        {"", true},
        {"", false},
        {"", true},


Btcd节点内置了如上6个种子节点的域名。然而,在ConnMgr连接种子节点之前,必须进行DNS Lookup查询它们对应的IP地址,这是在SeedFromDNS()中完成的:


// SeedFromDNS uses DNS seeding to populate the address manager with peers.
func SeedFromDNS(chainParams *chaincfg.Params, reqServices wire.ServiceFlag,
    lookupFn LookupFunc, seedFn OnSeed) {

    for _, dnsseed := range chainParams.DNSSeeds {
        var host string
        if !dnsseed.HasFiltering || reqServices == wire.SFNodeNetwork {
            host = dnsseed.Host
        } else {
            host = fmt.Sprintf("x%x.%s", uint64(reqServices), dnsseed.Host)

        go func(host string) {
            randSource := mrand.New(mrand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))

            seedpeers, err := lookupFn(host)                                        (1)
            if err != nil {
                log.Infof("DNS discovery failed on seed %s: %v", host, err)
            numPeers := len(seedpeers)

            log.Infof("%d addresses found from DNS seed %s", numPeers, host)

            if numPeers == 0 {
            addresses := make([]*wire.NetAddress, len(seedpeers))
            // if this errors then we have *real* problems
            intPort, _ := strconv.Atoi(chainParams.DefaultPort)
            for i, peer := range seedpeers {
                addresses[i] = wire.NewNetAddressTimestamp(                         (2)
                    // bitcoind seeds with addresses from
                    // a time randomly selected between 3
                    // and 7 days ago.
                    0, peer, uint16(intPort))



  1. 调用lookupFn()进行DNS resolve,将种子节点的域名解析了IP地址;
  2. 将种子节点的IP地址封装为协议地址wire.NetAddress,其中主要是增加了地址的时效性,这里将地址的时效随机地设为3到7天。

这里传入的lookupFn()根据配置,有可能是节点自己访问DNS Server解析,也有可能通过洋葱代理进行解析:


func loadConfig() (*config, []string, error) {


    // Setup dial and DNS resolution (lookup) functions depending on the
    // specified options.  The default is to use the standard
    // net.DialTimeout function as well as the system DNS resolver.  When a
    // proxy is specified, the dial function is set to the proxy specific
    // dial function and the lookup is set to use tor (unless --noonion is
    // specified in which case the system DNS resolver is used).
    cfg.dial = net.DialTimeout
    cfg.lookup = net.LookupIP
    if cfg.Proxy != "" {
        _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(cfg.Proxy)


        // Tor isolation flag means proxy credentials will be overridden
        // unless there is also an onion proxy configured in which case
        // that one will be overridden.
        torIsolation := false
        if cfg.TorIsolation && cfg.OnionProxy == "" &&
            (cfg.ProxyUser != "" || cfg.ProxyPass != "") {

            torIsolation = true
            fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Tor isolation set -- "+
                "overriding specified proxy user credentials")

        proxy := &socks.Proxy{
            Addr:         cfg.Proxy,
            Username:     cfg.ProxyUser,
            Password:     cfg.ProxyPass,
            TorIsolation: torIsolation,
        cfg.dial = proxy.DialTimeout

        // Treat the proxy as tor and perform DNS resolution through it
        // unless the --noonion flag is set or there is an
        // onion-specific proxy configured.
        if !cfg.NoOnion && cfg.OnionProxy == "" {
            cfg.lookup = func(host string) ([]net.IP, error) {
                return connmgr.TorLookupIP(host, cfg.Proxy)

    // Setup onion address dial function depending on the specified options.
    // The default is to use the same dial function selected above.  However,
    // when an onion-specific proxy is specified, the onion address dial
    // function is set to use the onion-specific proxy while leaving the
    // normal dial function as selected above.  This allows .onion address
    // traffic to be routed through a different proxy than normal traffic.
    if cfg.OnionProxy != "" {
        _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(cfg.OnionProxy)


        cfg.oniondial = func(network, addr string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
            proxy := &socks.Proxy{
                Addr:         cfg.OnionProxy,
                Username:     cfg.OnionProxyUser,
                Password:     cfg.OnionProxyPass,
                TorIsolation: cfg.TorIsolation,
            return proxy.DialTimeout(network, addr, timeout)

        // When configured in bridge mode (both --onion and --proxy are
        // configured), it means that the proxy configured by --proxy is
        // not a tor proxy, so override the DNS resolution to use the
        // onion-specific proxy.
        if cfg.Proxy != "" {
            cfg.lookup = func(host string) ([]net.IP, error) {
                return connmgr.TorLookupIP(host, cfg.OnionProxy)
    } else {
        cfg.oniondial = cfg.dial

    // Specifying --noonion means the onion address dial function results in
    // an error.
    if cfg.NoOnion {
        cfg.oniondial = func(a, b string, t time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
            return nil, errors.New("tor has been disabled")



  1. 默认的DNS Lookup和Dial方法就是标准的net.LookupIP和net.DialTimeout;
  2. 如果设置了代理,Dial方法将使用SOCKS Proxy的DialTimeout(),如果未禁用洋葱代理,则默认代理为洋葱代理,DNS查询将通过connmgr的TorLookupIP()实现;
  3. 如果专门设置了洋葱代理,则设定对“暗网”服务(hidden service)的连接采用SOCKS Proxy的DialTimeout(),DNS Lookup将使用connmgr的TorLookupIP();请注意,即使设置了洋葱代理,对“明网”地址的连接仍是根据是否设置了普通SOCKS代理(非Tor代理)来决定采用标准的net.DialTimeout还是Proxy的DialTimeout;

无论是通过普通代理还是洋葱代理连接Peer,对节点来讲,它们均是SOCKS代理服务器,节点与它们之间通过SOCKS协议来通信。与普通代理相比,洋葱代理扩展了SOCKS协议,加入了对Name lookup、Stream Isolation等的支持。SOCKS协议位于会话层,在传输层与应用层之间,所以它不仅可以代理HTTP流量,也可以代理如FTP、XMPP等等的其他应用流量。SOCKS协议比较简单,我们不再展开介绍,读者可以阅读RFC1928RFC1929来了解它的消息格式。为了了解Btcd如何通过SOCKS代理建立连接,我们来看看Proxy的dial()方法:


func (p *Proxy) dial(network, addr string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
    host, strPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    port, err := strconv.Atoi(strPort)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", p.Addr, timeout)                 (1)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var user, pass string
    if p.TorIsolation {                                                  (2)
        var b [16]byte
        _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, b[:])
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        user = hex.EncodeToString(b[0:8])
        pass = hex.EncodeToString(b[8:16])
    } else {
        user = p.Username
        pass = p.Password
    buf := make([]byte, 32+len(host)+len(user)+len(pass))

    // Initial greeting
    buf[0] = protocolVersion                                             (3)
    if user != "" {
        buf = buf[:4]
        buf[1] = 2 // num auth methods
        buf[2] = authNone
        buf[3] = authUsernamePassword
    } else {
        buf = buf[:3]
        buf[1] = 1 // num auth methods
        buf[2] = authNone

    _, err = conn.Write(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Server's auth choice

    if _, err := io.ReadFull(conn, buf[:2]); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if buf[0] != protocolVersion {
        return nil, ErrInvalidProxyResponse
    err = nil
    switch buf[1] {
        err = ErrInvalidProxyResponse
    case authUnavailable:
        err = ErrNoAcceptableAuthMethod
    case authGssApi:
        err = ErrNoAcceptableAuthMethod
    case authUsernamePassword:
        buf = buf[:3+len(user)+len(pass)]                                (4)
        buf[0] = 1 // version
        buf[1] = byte(len(user))
        copy(buf[2:], user)
        buf[2+len(user)] = byte(len(pass))
        copy(buf[3+len(user):], pass)
        if _, err = conn.Write(buf); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        if _, err = io.ReadFull(conn, buf[:2]); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        if buf[0] != 1 { // version
            err = ErrInvalidProxyResponse
        } else if buf[1] != 0 { // 0 = succes, else auth failed
            err = ErrAuthFailed
    case authNone:
        // Do nothing
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Command / connection request

    buf = buf[:7+len(host)]                                              (5)
    buf[0] = protocolVersion
    buf[1] = commandTcpConnect
    buf[2] = 0 // reserved
    buf[3] = addressTypeDomain
    buf[4] = byte(len(host))
    copy(buf[5:], host)
    buf[5+len(host)] = byte(port >> 8)
    buf[6+len(host)] = byte(port & 0xff)
    if _, err := conn.Write(buf); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Server response

    if _, err := io.ReadFull(conn, buf[:4]); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if buf[0] != protocolVersion {
        return nil, ErrInvalidProxyResponse

    if buf[1] != statusRequestGranted {
        err := statusErrors[buf[1]]
        if err == nil {
            err = ErrInvalidProxyResponse
        return nil, err

    paddr := &ProxiedAddr{Net: network}

    switch buf[3] {                                                      (6)
        return nil, ErrInvalidProxyResponse
    case addressTypeIPv4:
        if _, err := io.ReadFull(conn, buf[:4]); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        paddr.Host = net.IP(buf).String()
    case addressTypeIPv6:
        if _, err := io.ReadFull(conn, buf[:16]); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        paddr.Host = net.IP(buf).String()
    case addressTypeDomain:
        if _, err := io.ReadFull(conn, buf[:1]); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        domainLen := buf[0]
        if _, err := io.ReadFull(conn, buf[:domainLen]); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        paddr.Host = string(buf[:domainLen])

    if _, err := io.ReadFull(conn, buf[:2]); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    paddr.Port = int(buf[0])<<8 | int(buf[1])

    return &proxiedConn{                                                 (7)
        conn:       conn,
        boundAddr:  paddr,
        remoteAddr: &ProxiedAddr{network, host, port},
    }, nil


  1. 与SOCKS代理服务器建立TCP连接,如代码(1)处所示;
  2. 客户端向代理服务器发送协议版本和METHOD集合的协商请求,如代码(3)处所示,客户端选择版本5,选择的认证方法为不验证或者用户名/密码验证,或者仅仅是不认证;
  3. 然后等待SOCKS服务器响应。如果SOCKS服务器不支持SOCKS 5,则协商失败;如果SOCKS服务器支持SOCKS 5,并同意不验证,则客户端可以直接发送后续请求,如果SOCKS服务器指定采用用户名/密码认证,则客户端随后向服务器提交用户名和密码,服务器将验证并返回结果,如代码(4)所示;
  4. 无需要认证或者用户名/密码验证通过后,客户端向SOCKS服务器发送CONNECT请求,并指明目的IP和端口号,如代码(5)处所示;
  5. SOCKS服务器响应CONNECT请求,如果代理连接成功,则返回外部的代理地址和端口。根据响应消息中指明的代理地址类型,代理地址可能是IPv4、IPv6或者Domain Name。
  6. 创建并返回一个代理连接对象proxiedConn,它的conn字段描述客户端与SOCKS服务器的TCP连接,该连接上的TCP报文将通过代理服务器转发给目的地址,boundAddr描述代理的外部地址和端口,remoteAddr描述目的地址与端口。

特别地,如果客户端连接一个Tor代理,并且希望开启Stream Isolation特性,则随机生成用户名和密码并发往Tor代理服务器。Stream Isolation是为了禁止Tor网络在同一个“虚电路”上中继不同的TCP流,Tor代理服务器支持通过IsolateClientAddr、IsolateSOCKSAuth、IsolateClientProtocol、IsolateDestPort及IsolateDestAddr等方式来标识不同的TCP流。Btcd选择通过IsolateSOCKSAuth来支持Stream Isolation,使得同一节点在连接不同Peer或者重连相同Peer时的TCP在Tor网络中均能被“隔离”。然而,读者可能会产生疑问: 随机生成的用户名和密码如何被Tor代理服务器验证?实际上,Btcd这里使用随机用户名和密码,是要求Tor代理服务器作如下配置: 选择“NO AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED”作为验证方式,并且只通过username来标识不同代理请求。

了解了通过SOCKS代理或者Tor代理与Peer建立TCP连接的机制后,我们就可以来看看如何通过Tor代理来进行DNS查询。再次强调一下,通过Tor代理进行DNS查询不是解析洋葱地址,而是解析“明网”中的域名。例如,用户通过Tor代理访问时,用户可以选择先通过DNS查询到IP地址后,再通过Tor代理连接该IP地址;也可以将该域名作为目的地址发给Tor代理,让Tor网络的退出结点进行DNS查询,并建立与目的地址的连接。如果某些客户端不希望向DNS Server暴露自己的目标访问域名,同时又希望进行域名解析,那它可以通过Tor代理进行DNS解析。


// TorLookupIP uses Tor to resolve DNS via the SOCKS extension they provide for
// resolution over the Tor network. Tor itself doesn't support ipv6 so this
// doesn't either.
func TorLookupIP(host, proxy string) ([]net.IP, error) {
    conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", proxy)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer conn.Close()

    buf := []byte{'\x05', '\x01', '\x00'}                      (1)
    _, err = conn.Write(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    buf = make([]byte, 2)
    _, err = conn.Read(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if buf[0] != '\x05' {
        return nil, ErrTorInvalidProxyResponse
    if buf[1] != '\x00' {
        return nil, ErrTorUnrecognizedAuthMethod

    buf = make([]byte, 7+len(host))
    buf[0] = 5      // protocol version
    buf[1] = '\xF0' // Tor Resolve                             (2)
    buf[2] = 0      // reserved
    buf[3] = 3      // Tor Resolve
    buf[4] = byte(len(host))
    copy(buf[5:], host)
    buf[5+len(host)] = 0 // Port 0

    _, err = conn.Write(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    buf = make([]byte, 4)
    _, err = conn.Read(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if buf[0] != 5 {
        return nil, ErrTorInvalidProxyResponse
    if buf[1] != 0 {
        if int(buf[1]) >= len(torStatusErrors) {
            return nil, ErrTorInvalidProxyResponse
        } else if err := torStatusErrors[buf[1]]; err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return nil, ErrTorInvalidProxyResponse
    if buf[3] != 1 {                                           (3)
        err := torStatusErrors[torGeneralError]
        return nil, err

    buf = make([]byte, 4)
    bytes, err := conn.Read(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if bytes != 4 {
        return nil, ErrTorInvalidAddressResponse

    r := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf)

    addr := make([]net.IP, 1)
    addr[0] = net.IPv4(byte(r>>24), byte(r>>16), byte(r>>8), byte(r))

    return addr, nil


  1. 选择不认证的方式,如代码(1)处所示;
  2. 请求的命令是'FO',它是Tor代理扩展的命令,指明用于Name Lookup,同时目标地址类型指定为DOMAINNAME,如代码(2)处所示;
  3. Tor退出节点进行DNS查询后,由Tor代码返回。这里仅接受IPv4地址,如代码(3)处所示;

到此,我们就完整分析了Bitcoin P2P网络中Peer节点之间建立、维持和断开TCP连接的所有过程,包括了通过SOCKS代理或Tor代理进行连接或DNS查询的实现。然而,我们也了解到,除了节点内置的种子节点的地址,节点接入网络时并不知道其他节点的地址,那么节点是如何知道网络中其他节点的地址,以及如何选择Peer节点地址建立连接呢?我们将在《Btcd区块在P2P网络上的传播之AddrManager》中分析。由于本文涉及到了Tor网络,有些读者可能希望进一步了解Tor,同时,Bitcoin网络与Tor网络均做到了对源或者账户匿名,所以我们在分析AddrManager之前,下一篇文章将讨论Bitcoin网络与Tor网络匿名性。

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