
2019-03-28  本文已影响0人  AAnna珠

CREATE USER 'li'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED by '123';

grant select on scott.* TO 'li'@'localhost';

REVOKE UPDATE on scott.dept from 'li'@'localhost';

UPDATE dept set sal=2000 where ename='scott';

grant SELECT,UPDATE,INSERT,DELETE on scott.dept to 'li'@'localhost';

REVOKE select on scott.emp from 'li'@'localhost';

CREATE user 'zhang'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED by '456';

grant select,insert on scott.dept to 'zhang'@'localhost' with grant option;

create user 'wan'@'localhost'identified by '789';

select * from dept;

insert into dept values(70,'houqin','shenyang');

GRANT select,insert on scott.dept to 'wan'@'localhost';

select * from dept;

insert into dept values(80,'dddd','dalian');

REVOKE grant option on scott.dept from 'zhang'@'localhost';

grant select on scott.* to 'wan'@'localhost';

REVOKE select on scott.dept from 'wan'@'localhost';

show grants for 'wan'@'localhost';

GRANT select(ename) on scott.emp to 'wan'@'localhost';

REVOKE all on scott.* from 'wan'@'localhost';

SELECT ename from emp;

select * from emp;


