Nature is speaking. | 《大自然在说话》(六

I am a flower. Yes, I’m beautiful. I’ve heard it before. And it never grows old. I’m worshipped for my looks, my scent, my looks. But here’s the thing. Life starts with me. You see I feed people. Every fruit comes from me. Every potato, me. Every kernel of corn, me! Every grain of rice, me! Me, me, me, I know, but it’s true. And sometimes I feed their souls. I’m their words when they have none. I say I love you without a sound. I’m sorry without a voice. I inspire the greatest of them. Painters, poets, pattern makers, I’ve been a muse to the mall. But in my experience, people underestimate the power of a pretty little flower. Because their life does start with me, and it could end without me.
Every fruit comes from me. Every potato, me. Every kernel of corn, me! Every grain of rice, me!
Painters, poets, pattern makers, I've been a muse to the mall.
此句中主要关注两个表达——pattern makers 和 muse,pattern这个词有很多意思,可以表示“模型”、“模式”,此处指“图案”,所以可以把pattern makers理解成艺术家之类的人群,此处中文翻译合并为“不朽的创作”也十分贴切。muse在此处指的是“(作家、画家等的)灵感;创作冲动的源泉”,若大写Muse,是指“缪斯”——古希腊和罗马神话中执掌诗歌、音乐和其他文学艺术分支的九位女神之一(in ancient Greek and Roman stories, one of the nine goddesses who encouraged poetry, music and other branches of art and literature )。