Day 23 | Daily Note | The Gay Ge

2017-12-26  本文已影响0人  豌豆和小怪兽

YEARS OF WANDERINGS 浪迹天涯 | Chapter 18
2017年12月26日, 星期二

According to Tseyu's own story, "There used to be three persons in this bureau, but when I arrived two of them had been sent elsewhere, and I had to attend to everything myself. Every day I had to sit at the shop, selling wine and salt, and supervising the weighing of pigs and fish for tax assessment. In order to carry out my duty I had to wrangle with the farmers and merchants about weights and measures. At night when I came back, I was so tired that I stretched myself in bed and fell asleep and did not wake up till the morning. The next day I had to do the same things again."

attend to

attend to




■to straighten your body or your arms or legs so that they are as long as possible, in order to exercise the joints (= place where two bones are connected) after you have been in the same place or position for a long time 伸展,舒展(四肢):

stretch (yourself) out

■to lie with your legs and arms spread out in a relaxed way 舒展四肢躺下 :

The brothers had not seen each other for four years, and Tseyu had put on a little more flesh. He did not look in the best of health, for he was too busy to practice yoga at night.




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