

2017-07-23  本文已影响72人  修仙小汤圆

Homicide ['hɒmɪsaɪd] n.    杀人


1)The killing of one person by another.

2)  Someone who kills another

"The legal term for killing a man, whether lawfully or unlawfully, is 'homicide.'There is no crime of 'homicide.' Unlawful homicide at common law comprises the two crimes of murder and manslaughter. Other forms of lawful homicide have been created by statute: certain new forms of manslaughter homicide with diminished responsibility, and suicide pacts), infanticide, and causing death by dangerous driving."  Glanville Williams, Textbook of Criminal Law 204 (1978).



criminal homicide   杀人罪

1)Homicide prohibited and punishable by law, such as murder or manslaughter.

2) The act of purposely, knowingly, recklessly, or negligently causing the death of another human being.



culpable homicide    应受惩罚的杀人罪         Cf. manslaughter

Scots law. A wrongful act that results in a person's death but does not amount to murder. 

在苏格兰法律中,是指尚未达到谋杀罪【murder】程度的杀人罪。杀人罪包括应受惩罚的故意杀人【voluntary culpable homicide】和应受惩罚的过失杀人【involuntary culpable homicide】两种。

excusable homicide  可免责的杀人

1) Homicide resulting from a person's lawful act, committed without intention to harm another.

2)  see justifiable homicide

指行为人从事法律并不禁止的行为时,由于某种原因而造成了杀人的后果,行为人可以免负罪责。 可免除罪责的杀人有两种情况:一种是意外事故杀人【homicide per infortunium】;一种是行为人进行正当防卫而杀人【homicide se defendendo】。

felonious homicide  恶意杀人

Homicide committed unlawfully, without legal justification or excuse.


homicide per infortunium   意外杀人    =homicide by misfortune

The unintentional killing of another while engaged in a lawful act;

justifiable homicide  正当杀人        =excusable homicide

1)  The killing of another in self-defense when faced with the danger of death or serious bodily injury.

2)  A killing mandated or permitted by the law, such as execution for a capital crime or killing to prevent a crime or a criminal's escape.


negligent homicide       过失杀人 =  criminal negligent homicide

Homicide resulting from the careless performance of a legal or illegal act in which the danger of death is apparent; the killing of a human being by criminal negligence.


reckless homicide   轻率过失杀人

The unlawful killing of another person with conscious indifference toward that person's life.


(来源:Black's Law Dictionary,《元照英美法词典》,《英汉法律用语词典》)

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