The Scribe---商业即兴49
The Scribe抄写员
Once the laws of the land are established and everyone is fully present, you’re off to a great start. On a practical level though, it is the team’s job to come up with the ideas, not to record them. Add one or two people to the mix, whose sole job is to record ideas. We’d all like to believe that we are expert multitaskers, but it is actually very hard for people to listen, write, think, and speak constructively all at the same time.8 Moreover, for some, writing can become a kind of defense mechanism—a way to cash out while looking like you’re doing something important when in fact you’re not contributing anything to the team.
If everyone is writing, everyone’s head is down and everybody is connecting with paper rather than with each other. (When eyes are down, energy goes into the paper. When eyes are on each other, we give each other energy and feed off of the energy of others.) Relieving a team of the task of keeping track of what they brainstorm will have a tremendous impact on the session and is a way to encourage active (vocal) participation, promote group accountability for engagement, and increase buy-in. This also further eliminates the need for technology. And scribes can come from anywhere; the leader can pull someone off another job to serve as scribe for the length of the brainstorming session.
Prepackaged Mix:预包装混合物
When it comes to effective brainstorming, the techniques of improvisation are applied at even the most basic level—they begin with the real-world, real-time physicality of the room and the meeting participants. Simple adjustments to the physical space and the way participants inhabit that space can make a huge difference in the quantity as well as quality of ideas that get generated (memo to the accounting department: making these adjustments doesn’t cost a single cent).
What’s the first thing most people do at a brainstorming session?Probably the same thing they do at the start of any other meeting—they sit down. And when they sit down they usually sit in the same seat they always sit in, across the conference table from the same person they always sit across from. The space a brainstorming session takes place in, and the way that space is inhabited, should reflect that a premium is being placed on the energy needed in the generation of fresh ideas. Rigid structure leads to rigid thinking, and lazy routines lead to lazy ideation. A leader who wants energy, focus, and interaction to be at the highest possible levels should shake things up. Get rid of the table and the chairs.
Fight against gravity by keeping the team on its feet. If the table can’t be moved, remove the chairs and stand around it. If it’s too difficult to get the chairs out of the way, at least insist that people sit in different seats or keep changing seats during the session. (If technology has been eliminated and no one is writing anything, then there should be minimal baggage to be carted from seat to seat.) Physically altering one’s perspective helps to keep minds alert and the energy in the room elevated.
Next, reduce the temperature in the room to 20° C, or 68° F. This may seem cold, but look at it this way: if you go into an improv theater one evening expecting to see some comedy and you have an alcoholic beverage and you sit down in a dark room with white lights focused on the stage and the theater is warm—what do you think will hap�pen? If you are like most people at the end of a long day, you will fall asleep right away.
We keep the theater cold, because comedy is a dish served cold. If you are cold, your skin reacts to the chill in the air; your body starts compensating (you bounce, rub your arms, etc.); you are mentally stimulated by the cool air, in contrast to being sedated by air that’s too warm. Besides that, we are aiming for physical movement in the rooms, which will naturally increase the temperature of the room. A cool room is another simple, inexpensive way to inspire activity and engagement.
If a problem could easily be solved in a traditional, straightforward fashion, brainstorming wouldn’t be necessary. If the point of the meeting is to come up with fresh ideas and get team buy-in (or buildin) for the ideas, the leader and participants must make the strategic decision to make sure the room is crackling with fresh energy.