async-mongo: motor
.. currentmodule:: motor.motor_asyncio
Tutorial: Using Motor With :mod:asyncio
.. These setups are redundant because I can't figure out how to make doctest
run a common setup before the setup for the two groups. A "testsetup:: *"
is the obvious answer, but it's run after group-specific setup.
.. testsetup:: before-inserting-2000-docs
import pymongo
import motor.motor_asyncio
import asyncio
from asyncio import coroutine
db = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient().test_database
.. testsetup:: after-inserting-2000-docs
import pymongo
import motor.motor_asyncio
import asyncio
from asyncio import coroutine
db = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient().test_database
[{'i': i} for i in range(2000)])
.. testcleanup:: *
import pymongo
A guide to using MongoDB and asyncio with Motor.
.. contents::
Tutorial Prerequisites
You can learn about MongoDB with the MongoDB Tutorial
_ before you learn Motor.
Using Python 3.4 or later, do::
$ python3 -m pip install motor
This tutorial assumes that a MongoDB instance is running on the
default host and port. Assuming you have downloaded and installed <>
_ MongoDB, you
can start it like so:
.. code-block:: bash
$ mongod
.. _pip:
.. _MongoDB Tutorial:
Object Hierarchy
Motor, like PyMongo, represents data with a 4-level object hierarchy:
- :class:
represents a mongod process, or a cluster of them. You explicitly create one
of these client objects, connect it to a running mongod or mongods, and
use it for the lifetime of your application. - :class:
: Each mongod has a set of databases (distinct
sets of data files on disk). You can get a reference to a database from a
client. - :class:
: A database has a set of collections, which
contain documents; you get a reference to a collection from a database. - :class:
: Executing :meth:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCollection.find
an :class:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCollection
gets an :class:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCursor
, which
represents the set of documents matching a query.
Creating a Client
You typically create a single instance of :class:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient
at the time your
application starts up.
.. doctest:: before-inserting-2000-docs
import motor.motor_asyncio
client = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient()
This connects to a mongod
listening on the default host and port. You can
specify the host and port like:
.. doctest:: before-inserting-2000-docs
client = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient('localhost', 27017)
Motor also supports connection URIs
.. doctest:: before-inserting-2000-docs
client = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient('mongodb://localhost:27017')
Connect to a replica set like:
client = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient('mongodb://host1,host2/?replicaSet=my-replicaset-name')
.. _connection URIs:
Getting a Database
A single instance of MongoDB can support multiple independent
databases <>
From an open client, you can get a reference to a particular database with
dot-notation or bracket-notation:
.. doctest:: before-inserting-2000-docs
db = client.test_database
db = client['test_database']
Creating a reference to a database does no I/O and does not require an
Getting a Collection
A collection <>
is a group of documents stored in MongoDB, and can be thought of as roughly
the equivalent of a table in a relational database. Getting a
collection in Motor works the same as getting a database:
.. doctest:: before-inserting-2000-docs
collection = db.test_collection
collection = db['test_collection']
Just like getting a reference to a database, getting a reference to a
collection does no I/O and doesn't require an await
Inserting a Document
As in PyMongo, Motor represents MongoDB documents with Python dictionaries. To
store a document in MongoDB, call :meth:~AsyncIOMotorCollection.insert_one
in an
.. doctest:: before-inserting-2000-docs
async def do_insert():
... document = {'key': 'value'}
... result = await db.test_collection.insert_one(document)
... print('result %s' % repr(result.inserted_id))
...loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
result ObjectId('...')
.. mongodoc:: insert
.. doctest:: before-inserting-2000-docs
Clean up from previous insert
<pymongo.results.DeleteResult ...>
Using native coroutines
Starting in Python 3.5, you can define a native coroutine
_ with async def
instead of the coroutine
decorator. Within a native coroutine, wait
for an async operation with await
instead of yield
.. doctest:: before-inserting-2000-docs
async def do_insert():
... for i in range(2000):
... result = await db.test_collection.insert_one({'i': i})
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Within a native coroutine, the syntax to use Motor with Tornado or asyncio
is often identical.
.. _native coroutine:
Getting a Single Document With find_one
Use :meth:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCollection.find_one
to get the first document that
matches a query. For example, to get a document where the value for key "i" is
less than 1:
.. doctest:: after-inserting-2000-docs
async def do_find_one():
... document = await db.test_collection.find_one({'i': {'$lt': 1}})
... pprint.pprint(document)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 0}
The result is a dictionary matching the one that we inserted previously.
.. note:: The returned document contains an "_id"
, which was
automatically added on insert.
.. mongodoc:: find
Querying for More Than One Document
Use :meth:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCollection.find
to query for a set of documents.
does no I/O and does not require an await
expression. It merely creates an :class:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCursor
instance. The query is
actually executed on the server when you call :meth:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCursor.to_list
or execute an async for
To find all documents with "i" less than 5:
.. doctest:: after-inserting-2000-docs
async def do_find():
... cursor = db.test_collection.find({'i': {'$lt': 5}}).sort('i')
... for document in await cursor.to_list(length=100):
... pprint.pprint(document)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 0}
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 1}
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 2}
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 3}
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 4}
A length
argument is required when you call to_list
to prevent Motor
from buffering an unlimited number of documents.
async for
You can handle one document at a time in an ``async for`` loop:
.. doctest:: after-inserting-2000-docs
>>> async def do_find():
... c = db.test_collection
... async for document in c.find({'i': {'$lt': 2}}):
... pprint.pprint(document)
>>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>>> loop.run_until_complete(do_find())
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 0}
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 1}
You can apply a sort, limit, or skip to a query before you begin iterating:
.. doctest:: after-inserting-2000-docs
>>> async def do_find():
... cursor = db.test_collection.find({'i': {'$lt': 5}})
... # Modify the query before iterating
... cursor.sort('i', -1).limit(2).skip(2)
... async for document in cursor:
... pprint.pprint(document)
>>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>>> loop.run_until_complete(do_find())
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 2}
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 1}
The cursor does not actually retrieve each document from the server
individually; it gets documents efficiently in `large batches`_.
.. _`large batches`:
Iteration in Python 3.3 and 3.4
In Python versions without async for
, handle one document at a time with
and :meth:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCursor.next_object
.. doctest:: after-inserting-2000-docs
... def do_find():
... cursor = db.test_collection.find({'i': {'$lt': 5}})
... while (yield from cursor.fetch_next):
... document = cursor.next_object()
... pprint.pprint(document)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 0}
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 1}
async def do_find():
... cursor = db.test_collection.find({'i': {'$lt': 5}})
... # Modify the query before iterating
... cursor.sort('i', -1).limit(2).skip(2)
... async for document in cursor:
... pprint.pprint(document)
>>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>>> loop.run_until_complete(do_find())
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 2}
{'id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 1}
The cursor does not actually retrieve each document from the server
individually; it gets documents efficiently inlarge batches
.. _large batches
Iteration in Python 3.3 and 3.4
In Python versions withoutasync for
, handle one document at a time with
and :meth:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCursor.next_object
.. doctest:: after-inserting-2000-docs
>>> @coroutine
... def do_find():
... cursor = db.test_collection.find({'i': {'$lt': 5}})
... while (yield from cursor.fetch_next):
... document = cursor.next_object()
... pprint.pprint(document)
>>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>>> loop.run_until_complete(do_find())
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 0}
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 1}
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 2}
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 3}
{'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 4}
Counting Documents
Use :meth:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCursor.count
to determine the number of documents in
a collection, or the number of documents that match a query:
.. doctest:: after-inserting-2000-docs
async def do_count():
... n = await db.test_collection.find().count()
... print('%s documents in collection' % n)
... n = await db.test_collection.find({'i': {'$gt': 1000}}).count()
... print('%s documents where i > 1000' % n)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
2000 documents in collection
999 documents where i > 1000
uses the count command internally; we'll
cover commands_ below.
.. seealso:: Count command <>
Updating Documents
changes a document. It requires two
parameters: a query that specifies which document to replace, and a
replacement document. The query follows the same syntax as for :meth:find
. To replace a document:
.. doctest:: after-inserting-2000-docs
async def do_replace():
... coll = db.test_collection
... old_document = await coll.find_one({'i': 50})
... print('found document: %s' % pprint.pformat(old_document))
... _id = old_document['_id']
... result = await coll.replace_one({'_id': _id}, {'key': 'value'})
... print('replaced %s document' % result.modified_count)
... new_document = await coll.find_one({'_id': id})
... print('document is now %s' % pprint.pformat(new_document))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
found document: {'id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 50}
replaced 1 document
2000 documents in collection
999 documents where i > 1000
uses the count command internally; we'll
cover commands below.
.. seealso::Count command <>
Updating Documents
changes a document. It requires two
parameters: a query that specifies which document to replace, and a
replacement document. The query follows the same syntax as for :meth:find
. To replace a document:
.. doctest:: after-inserting-2000-docs
>>> async def do_replace():
... coll = db.test_collection
... old_document = await coll.find_one({'i': 50})
... print('found document: %s' % pprint.pformat(old_document))
... _id = old_document['_id']
... result = await coll.replace_one({'_id': _id}, {'key': 'value'})
... print('replaced %s document' % result.modified_count)
... new_document = await coll.find_one({'_id': _id})
... print('document is now %s' % pprint.pformat(new_document))
>>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>>> loop.run_until_complete(do_replace())
found document: {'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 50}
replaced 1 document
document is now {'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'key': 'value'}
You can see that :meth:replace_one
replaced everything in the old document
except its _id
with the new document.
Use :meth:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCollection.update_one
with MongoDB's modifier operators to
update part of a document and leave the
rest intact. We'll find the document whose "i" is 51 and use the $set
operator to set "key" to "value":
.. doctest:: after-inserting-2000-docs
async def do_update():
... coll = db.test_collection
... result = await coll.update_one({'i': 51}, {'$set': {'key': 'value'}})
... print('updated %s document' % result.modified_count)
... new_document = await coll.find_one({'i': 51})
... print('document is now %s' % pprint.pformat(new_document))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
updated 1 document
document is now {'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'i': 51, 'key': 'value'}
"key" is set to "value" and "i" is still 51.
only affects the first document it finds, you can
update all of them with :meth:update_many
await coll.update_many({'i': {'$gt': 100}},
{'$set': {'key': 'value'}})
.. mongodoc:: update
Deleting Documents
takes a query with the same syntax as
immediately removes all matching documents.
.. doctest:: after-inserting-2000-docs
async def do_delete_many():
... coll = db.test_collection
... n = await coll.count()
... print('%s documents before calling delete_many()' % n)
... result = await db.test_collection.delete_many({'i': {'$gte': 1000}})
... print('%s documents after' % (await coll.count()))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
2000 documents before calling delete_many()
1000 documents after
.. mongodoc:: remove
Besides the "CRUD" operations--insert, update, delete, and find--all other
operations on MongoDB are commands. Run them using
the :meth:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase.command
method on :class:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase
.. doctest:: after-inserting-2000-docs
from bson import SON
async def use_count_command():
... response = await db.command(SON([("count", "test_collection")]))
... print('response: %s' % pprint.pformat(response))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
response: {'n': 1000, 'ok': 1.0...}
Since the order of command parameters matters, don't use a Python dict to pass
the command's parameters. Instead, make a habit of using :class:bson.SON
from the bson
module included with PyMongo::
await db.command(SON([("distinct", "test_collection"), ("key", "my_key"]))
Many commands have special helper methods, such as
, but these are just conveniences atop
the basic :meth:command
.. mongodoc:: commands
.. _example-web-application-aiohttp:
A Web Application With aiohttp
Let us create a web application using aiohttp
_, a popular HTTP package for
asyncio. Install it with::
python3 -m pip install aiohttp
We are going to make a trivial web site with two pages served from MongoDB.
To begin:
.. literalinclude:: examples/
:language: python3
:start-after: setup-start
:end-before: setup-end
The AsyncIOMotorClient
constructor does not actually connect to MongoDB.
The client connects on demand, when you attempt the first operation.
We create it and assign the "test" database's handle to db
The setup_db
coroutine drops the "pages" collection (plainly, this code is
for demonstration purposes), then inserts two documents. Each document's page
name is its unique id, and the "body" field is a simple HTML page. Finally,
returns the database handle.
We'll use the setup_db
coroutine soon. First, we need a request handler
that serves pages from the data we stored in MongoDB.
.. literalinclude:: examples/
:language: python3
:start-after: handler-start
:end-before: handler-end
We start the server by running setup_db
and passing the database handle
to an :class:aiohttp.web.Application
.. literalinclude:: examples/
:language: python3
:start-after: main-start
:end-before: main-end
Note that it is a common mistake to create a new client object for every
request; this comes at a dire performance cost. Create the client
when your application starts and reuse that one client for the lifetime
of the process. You can maintain the client by storing a database handle
from the client on your application object, as shown in this example.
Visit localhost:8080/pages/page-one
and the server responds "Hello!".
At localhost:8080/pages/page-two
it responds "Goodbye." At other URLs it
returns a 404.
The complete code is in the Motor repository in examples/
.. _aiohttp:
See also the :doc:examples/aiohttp_gridfs_example
Further Reading
The handful of classes and methods introduced here are sufficient for daily
tasks. The API documentation for :class:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient
, :class:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase
, and :class:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCursor
provides a
reference to Motor's complete feature set.
Learning to use the MongoDB driver is just the beginning, of course. For
in-depth instruction in MongoDB itself, see The MongoDB Manual