
2024-04-24  本文已影响0人  Areusure

One might say that Su Tungpo was an incorrigible optimist , a great

humanitarian , a friend of the people ,


诵读时,重点突出 optimist , humanitarian , friend 三


a friend of the people 稍作降调处理

上扬 incorrigible ,下沉 great

a prose master , an original  painter , a great calligraphist ,an experimenter in wine making , an engineer .



突出 prose 并上扬

突出 painter , calligraphist , wine ;且 wine 要读得格外重一些,音调也要比 experimenter , making 更高.音调在 engineer 处降下来并作收尾处理

a hater of puritanism , a yogi ,

a Buddhist believer , a

Confucian statesman , a secretary to the emperor , confirmed winebibber.


开头的 hater 稍微上扬

前三个短语中强调 puritanism , yogi 和 buddhist 三个名词; believer 稍作下沉、停顿处理

加重 a confucian statesman 和 a secretary to the emperor 的语气。

将短语 a confirmed winebibber 读出"出乎意料"的感觉,并着重强调 winebibber

a humane judge , a dissenter

in politics , a prowler in the moonlight , a poet , and a wag .


重读 humane 并上扬

重读 dissenter 但不要上扬,作向下的处理.

上扬 a prowler in the moonlight 并放慢语速.

在短语 a poet 后面留一个小停顿,语调开始放缓下降

在 wag 后语调降彻底降下来

And yet that might miss the sum total of what made up Su Tungpo .

I can perhaps best sum it up by saying that the mention of Su Tungpo always elicits an affectionate and warm admiring smile in China.


重读 best 并稍微上扬

在 sum it up 后面稍作停顿

在 saying that 后面稍作停顿

读完 the mention of Su Tungpo 后稍作停顿

重读 always ,并在动词 elicits 后稍作停顿

在 affectionate 后稍作停顿

在 warm admiring smile 处速度放慢下来,且 sm 读完后稍作停顿


