What Will Life Be Like in 2068?
What will life be like in 2068?Let's make some predictions. Of course, things will be changed and life will be very different.
Trip to the moon will be made every day. It will be as easy to take a holiday on tne moon as to take a holiday in Europe now. At a number of beautiful places on tne moon, many hotel will be air conditioned naturally on the moon, every room will have at least one picture window. Everything imaginable will be provided for entertainment of the young and old to make them happy.
What will people eat then? People will still eat food. But many kinds of food will be in the shape of pills, and the food inside the pills will mainly come from green plants.
There will still be many people in 2068 so the living space will still be a big problem for humans. However, in 2068, the deserts will be full of water and people will find much living space that seems impossible to live in.
Farming, of course, is very highly developed. Very few people have to work on the farm by just pushing a few buttons now and then.

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