快乐学英语(50)-- 打破常规

Leon and Amy:
创新,Innovation. 创造力,Creativity. 想象力, Imagination.
爱因斯坦说过:我们永远都要保持好奇心。Albert Einstein said: We must always be curious.必须,must. 好奇,curious.
我们平时做事要按部就班,但有时候也要打破常规。We usually do things step by step, but sometimes we have to break the rules.做事,do things. 按部就班,step by step. 打破,break. 常规、规则, rules.
生命是一场冒险,我们需要勇敢前行。Life is an adventure, we need to keep going bravely.冒险, adventure. 勇敢, brave.
有时候我们要打破普通思维/换个角度思考。Sometimes we need to think out of box.
你的想象力是无局限的。Your imagination is unlimited.局限,limited. 无局限,unlimited. 在电影《星球大战》中,有个大魔头对Sky Walker说:Come to the dark side, you will have unlimited power.
以前在书店经常听到一些英语学习机放出来的音频:Don't be shy, just try.别害羞, 尽管尝试。shy,害羞。 try,尝试。
创意在市场营销中是非常重要的。Creativity is very important in marketing.
如果你不愿意冒险,那你可能什么事情都做不成。If you are not going to take risks, you may not be able to do anything.冒险,take risks. 可能,able.
乔布斯有一句名言:Stay hungry, stay foolish.