American Accent专题——1
简单介绍下,课程的主讲人是 Lisa Mojsin, 一位人美声甜的老师,会说五种语言,有十五年的大学教学经验。此外,她的说话速度不快,让听力不太好的同学也能听清楚,发音也标准的不行,使人听着就是一种享受。
Rule1: Understanding Neutral and Tense Vowels
Rule2: “Sit” or “Seat”
Rule3: “cop” or “cup”
Rule4: “pool” or “pull”
Vowel Sounds
Rule One: Understanding Neutral and Tense Vowels
元音可以分为两类: Tense or Neutral / Relaxed.
它们两者主要的区别在于,在念tense vowels时, 你的面部会有许多的变化,你的嘴巴会移动,而且它是紧张的,嘴唇和舌头有时也会紧张。相比之下,念neutral vowels时,嘴巴不会有太多变化,舌头和嘴唇都处于放松状态。
下面是元音中的四个Neutral Vowels:1. /ɪ/--------2. /ɛ/--------- 3. /ə/ or /ʌ/--------4. /ʊ/
We categorize Vowels as either Tense or Neutral/Relaxed.
When we say a vowel is tense, it means that our tongue is tense, and sometimes our lips are also tense.
There's a lot happening, my mouth is moving and it is tense.
There's no much happening in my mouth. My lips are relax. My tongue is relax in the back.
Rule Two: “Sit” or “Seat”
Seat 中的 /i/ 是Neutral Vowel, Sit 中的 /ɪ/ 是Tense Vowel.
为了发 /i/ ,你的嘴唇必须处于紧张状态,你舌头的后半部分也是紧张的。
两个元音主要的区别不在于一个是发音长的元音,另一个是发音短的元音,而是在于一个元音是tense的,另一个是neutral 或者 relaxed,因为在元音重读的情况下,一个 tense元音也能变得很长。
/ɪ/: To produce it, your lips must be tense, and your tongue must be tense in the back of your mouth.
The main difference between these two vowels isn’t that one vowel is long and one vowel is short. It is one vowel is tense and one vowel is neutral or relaxed because even a tense vowel can sometimes be prolonged if the word is stressed.
Rule Three: “cop” or “cup”
同理,cop 中的 /ɑ/ 是Tense Vowel, cup 中的 /ʌ/ 是Neutral Vowel。
为了发 /ɑ/,必须张开你的嘴巴,并且把你的舌头放在嘴巴的底部,让舌头的顶部触碰下牙底部。此外,非母语者通常将这个元音读得比较短,而这个元音的长度是比较长的。
而 /ʌ/ 则是非常短的一个元音,相当于汉语非常短的“额”
To creat the “a” sound, open your mouth wide and keep your tongue at the bottom of your mouth, and let the tip of your tongue touch your bottom teeth.This vowel is usually longer than people who are non-native speakers tend to make it.
It’s just the little tiny noise, very short little “e”.
Rule Four: “pool” or “pull”
/u/ 是 Tense Vowel, 而 /ʊ/ 是Neutral Vowel。
对于 pool 中的 /u/ ,发音时,你的嘴唇得撅成圆形。
而 pull 中的 /ʊ/ ,则嘴唇只需稍微撅成圆形。
For the “u” sound, the lips are rounded
For the neutral sound, the lips are very slightly rounded.