[天天朗读2017.3.18] Beyond the Door

2017-03-18  本文已影响0人  terry_tang

Beyond the Door

By Philip K. Dick

Part 7

Larry finished his drink. He opened the drawer at the sink/sɪŋk/and took out the hammer. He carried it carefully into the dining-room. The clock was ticking gently to itself on the wall.

"Look," he said, waving the hammer. "You know what I have here? You know what I'm going to do with it? I'm going to start on you—first." He smiled. "Birds of a feather, that's what you are—the three of you."

The room was silent.

"Are you coming out? Or do I have to come in and get you?" The clock whirred a little.

"I hear you in there. You've got a lot of talking to do, enough for the last three weeks. As I figure it, you owe me—"

The door opened. The cuckoo came out fast, straight at him. Larry was looking down, his brow wrinkled in thought. He glanced up, and the cuckoo caught himsquarelyin the eye.

Down he went, hammer and chair and everything, hitting the floor with a tremendous/trə'mɛndəs/crash. For a moment the cuckoo paused, its small body poised/pɔɪzd/rigidly/ˈrɪd ʒɪdlɪ/. Then it went back inside its house. The door snapped tight-shut after it.

poised/pɔɪzd/adj. 泰然自若的,镇定的;平衡的,均衡的;摆好姿势不动的,静止的

rigidly/ˈrɪd ʒɪdlɪ/adv. 严格地;坚硬地;严厉地;牢牢地

The man lay on the floor, stretched out grotesquely/grəu'teskli/, his head bent over to one side. Nothing moved or stirred. The room was completely silent, except, of course, for the ticking of the clock.

grotesquely/grəu’teskli/adv. 奇异地;荒诞地

"I see," Doris said, her face tight. Bob put his arm around her, steadying her.

"Doctor," Bob said, "can I ask you something?"

"Of course," the doctor said.

"Is it very easy to break your neck, falling from so low a chair? It wasn't very far to fall. I wonder if it might not have been an accident. Is there any chance it might have been—"

"Suicide?" the doctor rubbed/rʌb/his jaw. "I never heard of anyone committing suicide that way. It was an accident; I'm positive.”

"I don't mean suicide," Bob murmured/'mə:mə/under his breath, looking up at the clock on the wall. "I meant something else."

But no one heard him.




