绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】3/21《Silly Sally》
今天分享的是Andrey Wood《Silly Sally》

Silly Sally went to town,walking backwards upside down.
On the way she met a pig,a silly pig,they danced a jig.
Silly Sally went to town,dancing backwards upside down.

On the way she met a dog,a silly dog,they played leapfrog.
Silly Sally went to town,leaping backwards upside down.

On the way she met a loon,a silly loon,they sang a tune.
Silly Sally went to town,singing backwards upside down.
On the way she met a sheep,a silly sheep,they fell asleep.
Now how did Sally get to town?Sleeping backwards upside down.

Along came Neddy Buttercup,walking forward right side up.

He tickled the pig,who danced a jig.
He tickled the dog,who played leapfrog.
He tickled the loon,who sang a tune.
He tickled the sheep,who felt asleep.
He tickled Sally who roke right up,she tickled Neddy Buttercup.

And that’s how Sally got to town,walking backwards upside down.(End)
这本绘本既可以唱成歌也可以以故事读,像CC目前基本就是接town down pig jig dog frog tune up,每次有这些个词一停顿基本就会随口接上。不过这个绘本的pig dog sheep loon画风比较独特,所以在认知上就不一定能get得到。也是特别能延展的一本书,比如棒偶,比如角色扮演,都很好玩。那给低幼宝宝磨耳朵也是朗朗上口,很容易就会记住的。

顺道种草了一整套书,大一点可以买,想不到之前Lily课上举例的《The Little Mouse The Red Ripe Strawberry and The big hunger bear》竟是同一个作者的作品!真是今天分享的意外惊喜。