No more 'Beijing bikini':Chinese city calls topless men 'uncivilized'
- topless /ˈtɑːpləs/ adj. 裸露上身的
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- uncivilized /ʌnˈsɪvəlaɪzd/ adj. 不文明的,未开化的
词性拓展:civil (adj.)
相关词汇:civilis(adj. 市民的)
词性拓展:civilize (v.)
相关词汇:civilized(adj. 被教化的)
- swelter /ˈsweltər/ v. 感觉热极了,热得要命
例句:The policemen are sweltering in their uniforms.
- cool down 降温,冷却;冷静下来
例句:Leave him to cool down, and then talk to him.
- ubiquitous /juːˈbɪkwɪtəs/ adj. 普遍存在的,似乎无处不在的
例句:English is a ubiquitous language.
例句:The English language is ubiquitous.
相关词汇:ubique(adv. 无处不在)
- fond /fɑːnd/ adj. 喜爱的,快乐美好的
搭配短语:be fond of sth.
英文释义:affectionate or loving
- forgo /fɔːrˈɡoʊ/ v. 放弃,摒绝
搭配短语:forgo the gift
搭配短语:forgo doing sth.
搭配短语:forgo watching the premiere of the movie
- fall out of favor 失宠
英文释义:no longer be supported, accepted, approved of, or regarded highly by one
近义词:lose favor with sb.
例句:This kind of car has fallen out of favorwith most people lately.
- rectify /ˈrektɪfaɪ/ v. 纠正;矫正;改正
词根词缀:rect-(adj. 直的、正确的)
搭配短语:rectify the injustices of the economic systems
- crack down on 处罚;打击
相关词汇:crack(v. 砸开,使破裂)
-crack 搭配短语:crack an egg
crack down on 英文释义:to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviors in a more severe way
例句:The police are cracking down on drug dealers.
- wanton /ˈwɑːntən/ adj. 无节制的,过分的,恣意的
搭配短语:wanton extravagance
- bickering /ˈbɪkərɪŋ/ n.(为小事)争吵,斗嘴
词性拓展:bicker (v.)
bicker 近义词:quarrel
bicker 搭配短语:bicker with sb. about/over sth.
bicker 例句:They bickered with each other about the schedule of the trip.
- jump queues 插队
queue 近义词:line
queue 搭配短语:queue up
queue 例句:Please queue up here.
- enhance /ɪnˈhæns/ v. 提高;增加;增强
搭配短语:enhance the reputation
搭配短语:enhance the quality of life
- overkill /ˈoʊvərkɪl/ n. 多此一举,适得其反
英文释义:much more of something than is needed, resulting in less effectiveness
例句:Too much explanation will be overkill.