
几个小时之前,马克·扎克伯格又在玩著名的 Townhall Q&As 。的确很好玩,比如,他与霍金的对答就十分精彩。霍金问他科学中的哪个问题,他最想知道答案,为什么?扎克伯格说,我对有关人的问题最感兴趣。什么能让我们长生不老?如何治疗疾病?人的大脑是如何运作的?当然,他的重点在人与人之间关系中,人与人之间可能存在的基本的数学公式,是他有兴趣的话题。全球第一社交媒体的创始人,最关注的是人,的确顺理成章。
我感兴趣的是杰夫·杰维斯的问题,以及扎克伯格的回答。(见下面的引文)杰夫·杰维斯是一个令人尊敬的学者、博客,但是,他与谷歌、Facebook的默契也是众所周知的。坦率地说,今天的问题,令人吃惊地与 “good journalism”距离很远。新闻记者应有的质疑倾向毫无踪影不用说,谴词造句之中的恭维,丝毫不加掩饰。我真的怀疑,这个问题,是不是Facebook的人事先准备好了,让杰维斯来做个球?无论是与不是,做球的效果是一样。
“你觉得Facebook在新闻业中扮演着一个什么样的角色?”这绝对是一个好问题、大问题,人人都想知道答案的问题。但是,杰维斯的后面一句恭维,以及其后的问题,把球做到了Instant Articles 的门前,让扎克伯格的回答,百分百围绕着IA展开。IA也是个好问题、大问题,但问题在于这样的表述:“我很高兴地看到IA,它包含着一个支持 good journalism 的商业模式。接下去呢?”
高调登场的 Facebook 重头产品 Instant Articles 5月12日推出以来十分低调。9家媒体伙伴只有5家各发了一篇,四家还没有开张。这个在传统媒体、新兴媒体中“民愤”不小的项目,怎么了?Business Insider 在6月8日的报道中冷嘲热讽。当时我就认为,BI 的评论也许太早了一点,有消息说,Instant Articles 6月底可能全面登场,当然,也是猜的。现在,正式的消息来了。华尔街日报的消息说,这两天,很可能就是周四(6月25日),成吨的 Instant Articles 即将上线。纽约时报每天将发30篇,NBC news 将发30至40篇,Atlantic 将把自己的大部分内容都发上去。
扎格伯格刚才(美国时间6月30日)回答问题的时候,成吨的 Instant Articles 仍然没有上线。9家媒体伙伴仍然只有5家各发了一篇,四家还没有开张。下面这句话里面其实信息量很大,话中有话:“ It’s important to keep in mind that Instant Articles isn’t a change we make by ourselves.We can release the format, but it will take a while for most publishers to adopt it. So when you ask about the “next thing”, it really is getting Instant Articles fully rolled out and making it the primary news experience people have.”
“大多数出版商(媒体)需要一些时间来接受它。所以,下一件事是什么?让Instant Articles 全面推出并让其成为人们所拥有的主要的新闻体验。”
大家都在期待,不过,并不是所有人都象杰夫·杰维斯那样高兴。事实上,美国的新闻业内,对Instant Articles 的质疑,从来没有间断过。纽约时报CEO马克·汤普生所说的“参与那个游戏,有风险(risk),是的。但是,“置身那个派对之外,有危险(danger)”十分形象地说明了媒体机构在面对Facebook这个巨人时的窘迫。

What do you think Facebook’s role is in news? I’m delighted to see Instant Articles and that it includes a business model to help support good journalism. What’s next?
Zuckerberg’s answer:
People discover and read a lot of news content on Facebook, so we spend a lot of time making this experience as good as possible.
One of the biggest issues today is just that reading news is slow. If you’re using our mobile app and you tap on a photo, it typically loads immediately. But if you tap on a news link, since that content isn’t stored on Facebook and you have to download it from elsewhere, it can take 10+ seconds to load. People don’t want to wait that long, so a lot of people abandon news before it has loaded or just don’t even bother tapping on things in the first place, even if they wanted to read them.
That’s easy to solve, and we’re working on it with Instant Articles. When news is as fast as everything else on Facebook, people will naturally read a lot more news. That will be good for helping people be more informed about the world, and it will be good for the news ecosystem because it will deliver more traffic.
It’s important to keep in mind that Instant Articles isn’t a change we make by ourselves. We can release the format, but it will take a while for most publishers to adopt it. So when you ask about the “next thing”, it really is getting Instant Articles fully rolled out and making it the primary news experience people have.