Summary Session of 19January 201
On 19/01/19 I was on leave
The weather was a bit cold but perfect for football.
08:20 to 10:20
We had 8 players
1/Warmup~Running and dribbling with the
ball around the marked pitch.Progressed by doing passing and back pedalling 2 players per ball.Interchanging after a marked position.Did the same exercise but now controlling the ball and passing back still back pedalling.
Summary Session of 19January 2019 to 20January 20192/Technical Drills
The training content was passing,receiving,turning and running into space.In these drills players pass and move to the centre of the marked pitch where they receive the ball pass the ball back and run into space to receive.There is tactical awareness in these drills.We did another drill where players were in 4 groups in a square position.Players were interchanging passes in this order,first player passes a vertical pass then the second player passes a diagonal pass and goes to the next group.They will be rotating in a clockwise direction.The sequence continues then at last players are encouraged in a competitive way by being timed.
Summary Session of 19January 2019 to 20January 20193/ We made 4 goals and played a 3v3 game with 1 player from each team playing in an advanced position and getting a pass from a teamate scoring at the nearest goal.Players were exchanging roles after some minutes in active recovering.All aspects of the game were exhibited in a game like situation.The purpose was to improve the tactical awareness of the players.
Summary Session of 19January 2019 to 20January 201910:20 to 12:20
We had 11 players
1/Warmup~We did dribbling and running with the ball in a marked area.
Summary Session of 19January 2019 to 20January 20192/Technical Drills
We did running with the ball,dribbling and passing whereby 3 players were interchanging passes with a dummy and foot over the ball at the centre of a marked pitch.These drills were done to improve the players ability to try and dribble past an opponent.We also did shooting drills and introduced a one versus one on the shooting drill.
Summary Session of 19January 2019 to 20January 20193/We played a 5 v 5 match and the players were competitive.The player below was the man of the match.
Summary Session of 19January 2019 to 20January 2019He has a lot of potential and needs to be upgraded to a better level.