2019-06-19 本文已影响0人
Put this on your calendar: the tentative release date of the first Release Candidate (RC) of Blender 2.80 is July 11!
请记到你的日历上:Blender 2.80 的第一个RC版本暂定于7月11日发布!
Development 【开发】
- We will aim for a 2.80 release candidate around July 11, 3 weeks from now. After the release candidate only important bug fixes would go in, with every commit carefully checked. This will also give us the opportunity to test making the release build with all platform maintainers.
我们准备在7月11日左右发布2.80的RC版本,现在离目标还有3周时间。之后我们会专心修复那些重要的BUG,会小心地检查每一次的提交。我们会借此机会同各个平台的维护者们一起测试发布版本的构建。 - Much of the Blender manual was updated last week, but still about another week of work remains. For anyone interested in helping out, there are still a few chapters without anyone assigned, and many of chapters where screenshots need to be updated. (organization task)
New Features and Changes【新的功能和改变】
No new features now that we are getting close to the release. About 90 bugs were fixed last week.
Weekly Reports 【开发人员各自的工作报告】
Summer of Code Reports 【谷歌编程夏令营的相关报告】
Here's an overview of Summer of Code progress so far. Some of the projects have features available for testing (builds available here):
Outliner: improved selection and navigation tools, start of 3D viewport synced selection, and many other improvements. (Nathan Craddock)
大纲视图:改进了选择和浏览工具,实现了与3D视图在选择上的同步功能,同时还有一些其它的改进。 -
Procedural texture nodes: improved math, vector math and mapping nodes. New map range, clamp and white noise nodes. (Omar Ahmad)
程序纹理节点:对运算节点、矢量运算节点和映射节点进行了改进。新的映射范围,限定和白噪点节点(注:译者不解,直译。)。 -
Custom bevel profile: initial implementation of custom profile in bevel modifier. (Hans Goudey)
自定义倒角样式:初步实现了倒角修改器的自定义样式。 -
LANPR: integration with grease pencil, and many other fixes and tweaks. (Yiming Wu)
成都小A的非真实化渲染项目LANPR:与GP进行了整合,还有一些问题的修复和调整。(吴一鸣、武夷明、无伊名?) -
Fast Import/Export: STL export is working, OBJ is in progress. (Hugo Sales)
For other projects work is happening under the hood still:
Cloth simulation: adaptive mesh subdivision implementation is in place, to be integrated with the simulation. (Ish Bosamiya)
面料模拟:实现了面料模拟对进行了自适应细分后的网格的支持。 -
Embree: initial implementation of conversion from Embree to Cycles BVH, performance benefits will come once this is more complete. (Quentin Matillat)
Embree:Embree是英特尔的一个高性能光线追踪的内核。目前已经初步实现了Embree到Cycles BVH的转换,随着开发工作的不断开展,Embree的性能优势也开始逐步呈现。 -
VR: lots of low-level work to integrate OpenXR into Blender's windowing system. (Julian Eisel)