Last term I signed up for a voluntary science fair project. It’s due in two weeks and I haven’t started yet experimenting yet. This is procrastination and it will be my topic for this article. Today I would like to talk about my experience with it and my vow to try end procrastination for myself.
Question - why do people procrastinate
The reason I believe people procrastinate is because of their personality and mindset on the situation. If people took the situation more seriously or had a more important view on it, then they wouldn’t procrastinate.
Evidence of this is a situation like mine. My science fair is an extremely important event for me but I haven’t bothered to start it because I believe that I can complete it within a smaller time frame. This is ignorance and something everyone should not copy. Though undoubtedly, most people do.
My explanation for this is that people procrastinate because of their incompetence and ignorance towards the project and their over confidence. This is an extremely important aspect about humans that must change.
上个学期我报名参加了一个自愿的科学博览会项目。 它将在两周后到期,我还没有开始尝试。 这是拖延,这将是本文的主题。 今天我想谈谈我的经历和我发誓要为自己结束拖延。
问题 - 为什么人们会拖延
我认为人们拖延的原因是因为他们对这种情况的个性和心态。 如果人们更认真地对待这种情况或对此有更重要的看法,那么他们就不会拖延。
证据就像我的情况一样。 我的科学博览会对我来说是一个非常重要的事件,但我没有打扰它,因为我相信我可以在更短的时间内完成它。 这是无知,每个人都不应该复制。 毫无疑问,大多数人都这样做。
我对此的解释是,人们因为对项目的无能和无知以及他们过于自信而拖延。 这是必须改变的关于人类的极其重要的方面。