WEEK 2 Introduction to Dynamical
MATLAB Licenses
MATLAB resources:
Instruction in MATLAB is done throughout Week 1, but the following videos can be used as a supplement and as reference on specific topics.
MATLAB Basics and Navigation:
What is MATLAB?
The MATLAB Environment
MATLAB Variables
MATLAB as a Calculator
Mathematical Functions
Adding Files to the Search Path
Vectors and Matrices:
Creating Vectors
Creating Matrices
Creating Uniformly Spaced Vectors
Vector Arithmetic
Data and Visualization:
Importing Data
Statistical Functions with Matrices
Making Histograms
Line Plots
Multiple Plots
Annotating Graphs
Finding Data that Meet Criteria:
Accessing Elements of an Array
Logical Operators
Conditional Data Selection
Differential Equations and Functions:
Numerically Solving First Order ODEs
Solving Systems of 1st Order ODEs
Writing Functions
Passing Functions as Inputs
Further Training
If you'd like to go further, you can learn MATLAB interactively, at your own pace, with MATLAB Academy. The two hour MALTAB Onramp is free and gives you more practice using MATLAB. To access MATLAB Academy you will need to first use the MATLAB License link for this course to associate your MathWorks account with the license. Then use this link to go to MATLAB Academy: https://matlabacademy.mathworks.com/
Lecture 6 - Introduction to Dynamical Systems - Part 1
Enzyme-catalyzed reactions
具体推导过程见Unit 2: Structural Biochemistry-0826
Lecture 7 - Introduction to Dynamical Systems - Part 2
Euler’s method for solving ODE systems
设定固定的dt,初始值xo,算法f (x),可以模拟预测后面的值。这便是model模拟的基础。
Lecture 8 - Introduction to Dynamical Systems - Part 3
Yeast glycolytic oscillations-Phase-plane techniques for 2D systems
Lecture 9 - Introduction to Dynamical Systems - Part 4
This is the set of points for which d[G]/dt = 0; d[ATP]/dt = 0. Where the nullclines intersect, both derivatives are zero. This is a “fixed point”
How can we understand stable and unstable fixed points mathematically?
A bifurcation is where the system qualitatively changes its behavior