
2020-09-02  本文已影响0人  Gomu_iOS



//: 定义函数:定义函数的名称+定义函数的参数+定义函数的返回值。
func test(name: String) -> String
    return "welcome " + name

//: 调用函数:使用其名称调用该函数,传递与函数参数类型匹配的值。
print(test(name: "小明")) //: 打印:welcome 小明
func test() -> String
    return "welcome"
func test(name: String, age: Int) -> String
    return "welcome \(name) age: \(age)"
print(test(name: "小明",age: 14)) //: 打印: welcome 小明 age: 14
func test(name: String, age: Int)
   print("welcome \(name) age: \(age)")
//: 或
func test(name: String, age: Int) -> Void
   print("welcome \(name) age: \(age)")


//: 定义
func minMax(array: [Int]) -> (min: Int, max: Int) {
    var currentMin = array[0]
    var currentMax = array[0]
    for value in array {
        if value < currentMin {
            currentMin = value
        } else if value > currentMax {
            currentMax = value
    return (currentMin, currentMax)

let bounds = minMax(array: [8, -6, 2, 109, 3, 71])
print("min is \(bounds.min) and max is \(bounds.max)")//: min is -6 and max is 109


func minMax(array: [Int]) -> (min: Int, max: Int)? {
    var currentMin = array[0]
    var currentMax = array[0]
    for value in array {
        if value < currentMin {
            currentMin = value
        } else if value > currentMax {
            currentMax = value
    return (currentMin, currentMax)

//: 使用可选绑定来检查minMax(array :)函数是否返回nil,这样使用返回值更严谨
if let bounds = minMax(array: [8, -6, 2, 109, 3, 71]) {
    print("min is \(bounds.min) and max is \(bounds.max)")
//: 标签函数
func tagFunction(argumentLabel parameterName: Int) {
//: 调用
tagFunction(tag: 11)
//: 默认情况
func origFunction(name: Int) {
origFunction(name: 11)
func tagFunction(_ name: Int) {


func defalutValue(value1: Int, value2: Int = 12) {
   print("\(value1)  \(value2)")
defalutValue(value1: 1, value2: 5) //: 打印 1 5
//: 因为某个参数值定义了默认值,因而多出下面的方法。
defalutValue(value1: 2) //: 打印 2 12


func arithmeticMean(_ numbers: Double...) -> Double {
    var total: Double = 0
    for number in numbers {//: numbers 作为[Double]类型的数组存在
        total += number
    return total / Double(numbers.count)
//: 调用
let average = arithmeticMean(1,2,3,4)
print("平均数\(average)")//!< 平均数2.5
//: 根据内存地址交换两个整型数值
func changeTwoIntNumbers(_ a:inout Int,_ b:inout Int) {
    let temp = a
    a = b
    b = temp
//: 使用时需注意不能将类型为'Int'的不可变值作为inout参数传递,否则会报错
var a = 6
var b = 7
changeTwoIntNumbers(&a, &b)
print("b:\(b),a:\(a)")//: b:6,a:7

使用函数类型如(Int,Int)- > Int作为另一个函数的参数类型。

func addFuction(fuction:(Int,Int) -> Int, a: Int, b: Int){
   print("\(fuction(a, b))")
func add(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
   return a + b
//: 调用
addFuction(fuction: add(a:b:), a: 4, b: 7) //: 输出 11
func stepBackward(_ input: Int) -> Int {
    return input - 1

//: 定义返回值类型为函数类型的函数
func chooseStepFunction() -> (Int) -> Int {
    return stepBackward

//: 使用
var currentValue = 3
let tempChooseStepFunction = chooseStepFunction()
while currentValue > 0 {
    currentValue = tempChooseStepFunction(currentValue)
}//: 2 1 0
func chooseStepFunction(backward: Bool) -> (Int) -> Int {
    func stepBackward(_ input: Int) -> Int {
        return input - 1
    func stepForward(input: Int) -> Int {
        return input + 1
    return backward ? stepBackward : stepForward
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