2018-06-13 Use rpsblast to sea
2018-06-13 本文已影响38人
makeprofiledb -title cdd -in Cdd.pn -out cdd -threshold 9.82 -scale 100.0 -dbtype rps -index true
The parameter above is default, so the following command is OK, too.
makeprofiledb -title cdd -in Cdd_NCBI.pn -out cdd
But My boss said we should use Cdd instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
makeprofiledb -title cdd -in Cdd.pn -out cdd
Then, use rpsblast to search the protein:
rpsblast -i [intput-sequence-path] -d [database-path] -F T -e 0.01 -m 9
-F filter query sequence with SEG
-e 0.01 = 1e-2
-m = 8 tabular output, -9 tabular output with comments