【M实事摘要Newsletter】 2018-01-03 #1
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1 这5款激光雷达,到底谁能代表自动驾驶的未来?
ABI Research 认为,2019 年就会有固态激光雷达解决方案问世,到2027 年市场规模就会扩张至130 亿美元。 激光雷达是自动驾驶系统中一个非常重要的组件。在许多传统供应商和新创公司看来,未来自动驾驶汽车在障碍探测和SLAM(实时定位和地图构建)能力上,还是得靠固态激光雷达,因为这才是最节省成本 ...
2 造车新势力与BAT的“三国杀”:无人驾驶争夺烽烟再起
按照李彦宏的说法,“百度计划在2018年7月底,与金龙客车实现无人驾驶小巴车的小规模量产;在2019年与江淮生产基于Apollo的自动驾驶汽车、与北汽在同年生产基于Apollo的L3自动驾驶汽车;2020年与奇瑞共同推出无人车”。 百度在汽车领域的布局从二手车电商、网约车、地图、智慧物流到后市场,几乎已经 ...
3 聚焦2017年八大新经济亮点智能物流机器人成新风口
该超市一经出现即引发轰动,尽管当时Amazon Go的推进虽然并不顺利,但很多人已察觉到零售业的智能自动化趋势和商机。 2017年以来,全国各地已开始建设无人超市,如去年7月分,阿里巴巴的无人超市“淘宝会员店”亮相,京东集团CEO刘强东也表示要在全国大量开设京东无人超市,并计划2018年在全国 ...
4 Autonomous Car Hype Is Way Ahead Of Reality
“We're so close, so close, yet so far away,” sang legendary rock duo Hall and Oates back in the 1990s on the subject of love. Driverless cars were science fiction then, but now despite the massive investment and hyperbole, autonomous vehicles won't be with us for a while yet. The problem is that ...
5 A key part of many autonomous cars just got a huge price cut
A key component of autonomous cars is getting a serious price cut, paving the way to more affordable mainstream vehicles that can cut out the driver. The LIDAR – or laser rangefinder – technology has become a mainstay of many self-driving prototypes, giving such vehicles a 360-degree view of the ...
6 Testing Autonomous Cars In Russia Will Be Hell But It's The Reality Of The Situation
The majority of self-driving tech testing is happening on the pristine streets of sunny California, but across the Pacific, autonomous tech developers in Russia are also working to make robot cars a reality. But in the hellish driving environments found in Moscow, that's not an easy feat, as a fascinating story ...
7 You can take a ride in a self-driving Lyft during CES
The Verge
Lyft is partnering with self-driving technology company Aptiv to offer rides in its robot taxis during CES in Las Vegas next week. There will be a safety driver behind the wheel, so the trips will not be completely driverless. Unlike a normal Lyft experience, the cars will only travel to 20 preprogrammed ...
8 Velodyne just made self-driving cars a bit less expensive
Right now, lidar remains an expensive component of many fledgling self-driving-car systems. Whereas radar uses radio waves, lidar uses laser light to map the world around the sensor. Lidar systems usually take the shape of a can or puck -- if you've seen those spinning things atop some self-driving ...
9 Moscow is a terrifying city for drivers. So what if a car doesn't have one?
The Guardian
In certain sunny climes, self-driving cars are multiplying. Dressed in signature spinning sensors, the vehicles putter along roads in California, Arizona and Nevada, hoovering up data that will one day make them smart enough to run without humans. Besides perennial sunshine, those places share other ...
10 Building AI systems that work is still hard
Even with the support of AI frameworks like TensorFlow or OpenAI, artificial intelligence still requires deep knowledge and understanding compared to a mainstream web developer. If you have built a working prototype, you are probably the smartest guy in the room. Congratulations, you are a member of ...
11 Walmart CIO's Priorities: Productizing IT And Process Automation With AI
Clay Johnson has worked at a number of iconic brands, from FedEx to Boeing to General Electric. Roughly a year ago, he joined yet another icon in Walmart. In so doing, he joined a company with 2.3 million associates, 5,000 stores in the U.S. alone, and a complex mix of technology. His priorities in the ...
12 Recession, AI, #MeToo: CEO Daily for January 2, 2017
2: AI advances. 2017 was the year AI leapt to the forefront of CEO consciousness. 2018 may be the year that the hype starts to become reality.