愿望都会实现因为有我们的加持!头脑到底长在啥部位?-gap 8
2019-12-31 mysore 8.25pm

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今天需要party,let us do it!or not?
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我又来到charkras house,和旁边几个人聊天,porto rico的美国人jami,想起2013年差点留在那里开youth hotel, in colebra,哈哈,那就没有viva啦。估计是一个不赚钱的创业项目,印度人老大教室收费18k rp,即使当地人也是贵的,通常shala月费用是USD50;知道一个icecream 地方,很local,听他们讲也许就不去party啦,因为没啥当地party文化,好吧!随时follow the flow!
M一行来到,碰到熟人各种信息交互,整体就是VJ反馈不错,我问大家2020愿望,瑜伽馆开业生意好,父母健康,结婚生子,georgia酒店装修顺利,2020gap year,都会实现,只要我们决定了!charkaras house各种聚会,都是团体行动,我们也是有缘,一起庆祝,这里的party都是早结束,每个人都要上课,更重要的事情,没有人去跨年party,没有人喝酒,不错啊!我回来甚至pack一下。
Raja yoga:
Mind is an instrument in the hands of the soul, as it were, through which the soul catches external objects. This mind is constantly changing and vacillating, and it can either attach itself to several organs, or to one, or to none. For instance, if I hear the clock with great attention I will not, perhaps, see anything, although my eyes may be open, showing that the mind was not attached to the seeing organ, although it was to the hearing organ. And the mind, in the same way, can be attached to all the organs simultaneously. This mind has the reflexive power of looking back into its own depths. This reflexive power is what the Yogi wants to attain ; by concentrating the powers of the mind, and turning them inward, he seeks to know what is happening inside.