Package Control Messages

2016-03-14  本文已影响36人  semanticyong

Package Control Messages



This plugin search headings in document and insert TOC(Table Of Contents) to it.



  1. Open Markdown files.
  2. Move cursor to position where you want to insert TOC.
  3. Tools > MarkdownTOC > Insert TOC
  4. TOC has inserted into document!
  5. Update contents and save...
  6. TOC has been updated.

Don't remove the comment tags if you want to update every time saving.

Depth control [depth-control]

You can control TOC depth in its comment tags.

<!-- MarkdownTOC depth=2 -->

- foo
  - bar
  - buz
- qux

<!-- /MarkdownTOC -->
<!-- MarkdownTOC depth=3 -->

- foo
  - bar
    - qux
    - quux
  - buz
- qux

<!-- /MarkdownTOC -->

You can also set default depth in Settings.

Preference > Package Settings > MarkdownTOC > Settings - User

  "default_depth": 0

depth=0 means no limit

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