
流利说商务英语学习笔记Level5 Unit1 Part 4 E

2020-02-21  本文已影响0人  无厌伽蓝


Employee Types


Difficult employees often fail to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Here are some common types of difficult employees.

Employees who make excuses: Employees who make excuses try to avoid responsibilities when things go wrong. If a manager is too accepting of excuses, employees will keep making them. So it’s better to set clear expectations about how employees should behave.

Employees who gossip: Employees who gossip spread rumors and talk about people behind their backs. If they hear confidential information, they will likely to tell other people. They can cause serious divisions within a team by creating distrust.

Negative employees: Negative employees often complain about their job or company. Over time their attitude can spread to their co-workers and lower team morale. To deal with negative employees, try to find out what is causing their negativity. By understanding why they are being negative, you could help them improve their attitude.

Egotistical employees: Egotistical employees are self-centered. They always claim to be right and they are not willing to accept other people’s opinions. They often put their needs before the needs of the team which makes them bad team players.


conduct themselves in a professional manner 通过专业的方式表现自己
avoid responsibilities 逃避责任
A man who gossips spread rumors and talk about people behind their backs. 说长道短的人传播谣言,在人们背后谈论人们
confidential information 秘密信息
lower my morale 降低我的士气
Egotistical man is people who are self-centered. 自我主义的人是一类以自我为中心的人。


I've met all of the four types of employees above. And sometimes we may be part of them. For example, if everyone except you in your team makes excuses when things go wrong, you may be the black sheep that lowers team morale and take all the responsibilities that probably not belong to you. That's very common in many companies. So you'd better conduct yourself in a professional manner to protect yourself, like making your leader happy and a good relationship with other team members even the most egotistical one. I'm not gossiping or negative. That's all the confidential experience that I share with you.


