
2020-11-11  本文已影响0人  三本奇美拉


In Zhong Yuemin's memory, what happened in the winter of 1968 is particularly clear. That winter, he was almost involved in a homicide case, and still has lingering /ˈlɪŋɡərɪŋ/ fear.


1968 was a noisy year. The background of Zhong Yuemin's memory was red. At that time, the streets and alleys of Beijing were covered with red paint, which was full of quotations from Chairman Mao. The red flag, the red quotation book and the red sleeve chapter came into view... In short, red became the main color at that time, and even everyone's heart was full of Red hope.


Zhong Yuemin has not been clear about why on one day in 1968, he and his companions /kəmˈpænjənz/, including the children in the Beijing government compound and the military compound, suddenly seemed to be in a bad mood. Adrenaline surged. A mixture of youth passion and evil exploded inside the body like a bomb. Under the red background, a fierce red shock wave suddenly appeared The force of the force spread around. Surprisingly, the red shock wave has affected their whole lives...


Many years later, Zhong Yuemin found out that 1968 was a troubled year. In this year, a lot of great events happened in the world. The earth was like a balloon filled with hydrogen  /ˈhaɪdrədʒən/, which was dangerously inflated and agitated /ˈædʒɪteɪtɪd/. A small spark could also cause an explosion...


In the spring of this year, the big brother of the Soviet Union was finally annoyed by his younger brother Czechoslovakia. He thought that the younger brother should go to the house to uncover the tiles if he didn't care about discipline. Under the guidance of Brezhnev's theory of limited sovereignty, a large number of Soviet airborne troops and armored /ˈɑːrmərd/ forces marched in and occupied Czechoslovakia. The whole world was shocked, and then there was a great uproar /ˈʌprɔːr/ of public opinion.


In March, Martin Luther King, theAmerican black  leader who always nagged "I have a dream", was assassinated. The whole world was shocked again. The international public opinion was in an uproar, and the United States almost caused a stir. Martin Luther King was recorded as a famous man in history, and his human and magnetic baritone became a masterpiece.


In May this year, the romantic French youth also made trouble. The cause was actually a dialogue between the youth and the Minister of sports, Fran? OIS m? SOV. The minister went to nuntaire University in Paris to cut the ribbon for a newly built swimming pool. It happened that Denny Cohen Bundy, a German student in the Sociology Department of the University, was also a troublemaker like Zhong Yuemin. He asked the minister why he did not mention the sexual problems of students in his speech and articles. Mr. Minister's answer is not very pleasant to listen to. In our Chinese language, we call standing to speak without backache. He suggested that Cohen Bundy could jump into the water to defeat the fire when he was burning in the fire. The minister's suggestion was a thorn in the hornet's nest, and the students made trouble.


In May of this year, the students in Paris finally rose to revolution. They attacked those in power and demanded that the "old order" be destroyed. The Latin District of Paris became a forum for ancient Greece for a time, and everyone was protesting. The objects of protest were various, from the Puritanism of universities, class differences to the Vietnam War.


On May 3, the police cleaned up the University of Paris, causing a more violent reaction in the Latin district.


Many places were taken over spontaneously by the masses, workers occupied factories, radical doctors occupied medical associations, actors closed theatres, and even some clergy declared their "revolution". Dedicated police made the Latin District smell of tear gas. President De Gaulle finally couldn't carry it. He slipped out of the Elysee Palace through the back door and went to his hometown of Colombe. The news made the students feel dizzy. They believe that the revolution is about to succeed.


The May storm in Paris shocked the world, and almost all the western world was excited. For the French, almost all of them can be regarded as the old revolution. Their revolutionary tradition can be traced back to 1789, In that year, the citizens of Paris stormed into the Bastille like a roar. They were the pioneers of the revolution, for they destroyed a huge Dynasty.


At this time, the university students in Paris were building barricades along the road that the Chinese red guards had gone through. They were fighting in the streets with the portrait of Mao Zedong and the banner of the Paris Commune. They were ambitious to "sweep away all the gods, ghosts and snakes" again on the European continent. Even the clergy who ate God's food would rebel. The great philosopher Mr. Sartre also made a fool of himself The world is a mess.


However, there must be an end to everything in the world.


On May 30, President De Gaulle returned to Paris and delivered a speech on the radio. He called on the people to love their country. The president simply told the people that if we continue to make such a fuss, we should be prepared for the coming material shortage. This big truth is more effective than any profound theory. If the revolution lasts for a long time and there is no food to eat, then the revolution will be meaningless, and most people are tired of the noise in the street. So they responded to Mr. President's call and brought home a group of children who continued to play roughshod in the barricade with their ears. The May storm in Paris came to an end.


When he was an adult, Zhong Yuemin understood it. No wonder that he was as evil as he was. No wonder that no one was idle. The students in Paris were not fuel-efficient lamps. He really loved who he was. If we had known that, the brothers of "linkage" should have sent liaison officers to connect with the friends in Paris. If the East and the West join hands, maybe the world revolution will succeed. However, Beijing students and Paris students at the same time shout different slogans. The slogans here in Beijing tend to be violent. They are not going to fry anyone or smash their dog's heads. However, there is a romantic smell on the other side


Not for bread, for roses


Make love, don't fight


Listen,carry out a revolution when playing. It's really fun.


However, in 1968, Zhong Yuemin knew nothing about what happened in France. He just found a new way of life and lived happily. When the students in Paris had finished playing from the barricade and went home, Zhong Yuemin and his party had just appeared.


