Can herd immunity really protect us from coronavirus?
The UK government is aiming to achieve herdimmunity as a way of tackling COVID-19. Herd immunity means enough people havingimmunity to a disease to stop it spreading. The UK government recently enacted itssecond phase of response to the COVID-19 pandemic: “delay”. According to ITV journalist Robert Peston, the government’s strategy to minimise the impact ofCOVID-19 “is to allow the virus to pass through the entire population so thatwe acquire herd immunity, but at a much delayed speed so that those who sufferthe most acute symptoms are able to receive the medical support they need, andsuch that the health service is not overwhelmed and crushed by the sheer numberof cases it has to treat at any one time”. At face value, this seems like asound strategy, but what exactly is herd immunity and can it be used to combatCOVID-19?
英国政府的目标是实现针对性的群体免疫,以解决COVID-19。群体免疫意味着足够的人对某种疾病具有免疫力以阻止其传播。英国政府最近制定了应对COVID-19大流行的第二阶段应对措施:“延迟”。根据ITV记者罗伯特·佩斯顿(Robert Peston)的说法,政府最大程度地减少COVID-19的影响的策略是“让病毒传播到整个人群,以便我们获得群体免疫力,但速度要慢得多,这样,那些遭受最严重症状的人就会 能够获得他们需要的医疗支持,并且不会在任何时候都要处理的大量病例中使医疗服务不堪重负。” 从表面上看,这似乎是一种明智的策略,但是群体免疫到底是什么,可以用来对抗COVID-19吗?
Our bodies fight infectious diseases through theactions of our immune systems. When we recover, we often retain animmunological memory of the disease that enables us to fight off that samedisease in the future. This is how vaccines work, creating this immune memory without requiring getting sick with the disease.
Have you read?
This is what different countries are doingto stop coronavirus from spreading. If you have a new disease, such as COVID-19, that we don’t have a vaccine for and no one in the country has everbeen infected with, the disease will spread through the population. But if enoughpeople develop an immune memory, then the disease will stop spreading, even ifsome of the population is not immune. This is herd immunity, and it is a veryeffective way to protect the whole of a population against infectious disease.
A chart showing how herd immunity works, inthe context of immunisations.
How herd immunity works, in the context ofimmunisations.
Image: The National Institute of Allergyand Infectious Disease (NIAID)
But herd immunity is typically only viewedas a preventive strategy in vaccination programmes. If we don’t have a vaccine– as we don’t for COVID-19 – achieving herd immunity would require asignificant proportion of the population to be infected and recover fromCOVID-19. So what would this mean for the spread of the disease in the UK?
The percentage of the population that needsto be immune to enable herd immunity depends on how transmissible a disease is.This is measured by the term R0, which is how many new infections each casewill generate. For COVID-19, the R0 is estimated to be 3.28, though studies arestill ongoing and this number will probably change. This means that for herdimmunity, about 70% of the UK population would need to be immune to COVID-19.
Achieving herd immunity would require well over47 million people to be infected in the UK. Current estimates are that COVID-19has a 2.3% case-fatality rate and a 19% rate of severe disease. This means thatachieving herd immunity to COVID-19 in the UK could result in the deaths ofmore a million people with a further eight million severe infections requiringcritical care.
Delay as a public health strategy
However, it is not clear how much of thisdiscussion of herd immunity – reportedly proposed by David Halpern, chiefexecutive of the Behavioural Insights Team, and later blogged about by RobertPeston – is actual government policy.
但是,目前尚不清楚这种对群体免疫的讨论中,有多少是实际的政府政策?据报道,这是由行为洞察小组首席执行长戴维·哈珀恩(David Halpern)提出,后来又由罗伯特·佩斯顿(RobertPeston)发表的。
Also, the concept as discussed is notsimply to let the disease run its course through the population, but to slowits spread and protect those most vulnerable from severe disease.
Slowing the spread of COVID-19 is apromising strategy, especially when combined with enhanced measures to protectthe elderly and those with underlying health conditions. By slowing the spreadof the disease, the NHS might have more time to prepare, we might be able to developtreatments or vaccines and we will be closer to the summer when we have lowerincidences of other diseases that burden the NHS, such as the flu.
A delay strategy when combined withsurveillance and containment, as recommended by the WHO, could be veryeffective in combating the spread of COVID-19. Yet if we slow the spread of thevirus but are relying on herd immunity to protect the most vulnerable people,we would still need 47 million people to be infected.
Even if we manage to protect the most vulnerablepeople (though no discussion is provided on how this will be done or for howlong) the fatality rate for the otherwise healthy portion of the population maystill be 0.5% or higher. This means that even in this unlikely “best case”scenario we would still be looking at more than 236,000 deaths.
We can and we must do better than that.China is rapidly controlling the spread of COVID-19 without requiring herdimmunity (only 0.0056% of its population has been infected). Waiting for herdimmunity to COVID-19 to develop in the UK by letting the virus “pass through the community” is not a good public health strategy.