2、October 25,1949

2021-12-09  本文已影响0人  四月不见
      MARKS & CO., Booksellers
        84, Charing Cross Road
            London, W.C. 2

                    25th October, 1949

Miss Helene Hanff
14 East 95th Street
New York 28, New York

Dear Madam,
    In reply to your letter of October
5th, we have managed to clear up two
thirds of your problem.The three
Hazlitt essays you want are contained
in the Nonesuch Press edition of his
Selected Essays and the Stevenson is
found in Virginibus Puerisque. We are
sending nice copies of both these by
Book Post and we trust they will arrive
safely in due course and that you will
be pleased with them. Our invoice is
enclosed with the books.
    The Leigh Hunt essays are not going
to be easy but we will see if we can
find an attractive volume with them all
in. We haven’t the Latin Bible you
describe but we have a Latin New
Testament, also a Greek New Testament,
ordinary modern editions in cloth
binding. Would you like these?

                    Yours faithfully,
                    For MARKS & CO.

Hazlitt essays 哈兹里特散文
the Nonesuch Press 出版社的名称
Hazlitt Selected Essays 《哈兹里特散文选》
Virginibus Puerisque 《致少男少女》
Bible 《圣经》
New Testament 《新约圣经》

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