Peak 刻意练习/读书笔记10
作者在讲述美国空军的王牌训练计划时,强调了这个计划的实践性,the emphasis on doing .底线是你能做,而不是你知道什么。其实这一点极其强调“做”的理念和我们传统意义上所认为的学习之路径是有很大不同的。
Deliberate practice , by contrast, focuses solely on performance and how to improve it.
其实最深邃的真理往往存在于显而易见的道理之中,“See one ,do one, teach one.”“看一场,做一场,教一场。”这原本是医学界关于外科手术的说法,意思就是为了能够做一场新的手术,接受训练的外科医生需要看熟练的医师做一场,然后自己思考怎样在病人身上手术。你看其实意思很直白,知识的习得不是只是被动接受那么简单,而是看一遍,做一遍,教一遍。
See one看一遍 学习知识的过程,
do one做一遍 刻意练习的过程
teach one教一遍有效反馈的过程。
1.interns and residents实习住院医生和住院医生
2.full-fledged adj.(of a bird) having reached full development with fully grown adult plumage; ready to fly羽毛生齐的;
As soon as the rain stops , a young sparrow, almost full fledged, comes to the courtyard.
2.(of persons e.g.) having gained full status;经过充分训练的,成熟的;
they go to work as full-fledged physicians with the assumption that they've developed all the sills they nee to treat patients effectively.
After one's internship one becomes a full fledged physician
3.fare v.进展;进行 If you say that someone or something fares well or badly, you are referring to the degree of success they achieve in a particular situation or activity.
[单独使用的动词] ~ well, badly, better, etc. to be successful/unsuccessful in a particular situation 成功(或不成功、更好等)
get on,proceed or get along; was likely the order doctor's patients fared worse because of it.
The party fared very badly in the last election. the credit of
But to the credit of the medical profession,I have found doctors to be exceptionally willing to look for shortcomongs in their fields and search for ways to correct them.
What he does redounds to the credit of our motherland.
5.hands-on adj.(经历或工作)亲身实践的,实际操作的 Hands-on experience or work involves actually doing a particular thing, rather than just talking about it or getting someone else to do it.
role-play, discussion groups, case solving, hands-on training, and the like .
This hands-on management approach often stretches his workday from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.
6.halve v.1把…减半;减到一半 When you halve something or when it halves, it is reduced to half its previous size or amount.
If training programs could be developed that halved the time a surgeon needs to reach expert status, it could make a major difference to patients.
Dr believes that men who exercise can halve their risk of cancer of the colon...
2.(VERB) 将…对半分;把…二等分 If you halve something, you divide it into two equal parts.
Halve the pineapple and scoop out the inside.