Guideline 4.1 Design: Copycat 处理
今年遇到了奇葩的 Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats,特别是吐血的这句:The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.
Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats
Your app or its metadata appears to contain misleading content. Specifically, your app icon leverages XXXX XXXX, which could create official affiliations and cause user's confusion.
Please see attached screenshots for details.
The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.
Next Steps
- Review the Copycats section of the App Store Review Guidelines.
- Ensure your app is compliant with all sections of the App Store Review Guidelines and the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program.
- Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit your app for review.Submitting apps designed to mislead or harm customers or evade the review process may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account. Review the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program to learn more about our policies regarding termination.
If you believe your app is compliant with the App Store Review Guidelines, you may submit an appeal. Alternatively, you may provide additional details about your app by replying directly to this message.
1月4日,审核人员说我们违反了:Guideline 4.1 Design: Copycats,以前都是我们提供下客户方的授权证明就可以了,今年却开始了漫长的折腾……;
1月5日,我们提交了相关证明材料回复到 Resolution Center,材料有:营业执照、版权证明, 但是从1月5日后就无任何反馈,
由于当前商店版本没有适配 iPhoneX 和 iOS11,导致大量用户使用过程中闪退和无法正常使用功能,此版本主要修复 iPhoneX 和 iOS11 适配问题,请予以加急审核,谢谢!
Because the current appstore version doesn't match iPhoneX and iOS11, resulting in a large number of users in the process of crash and unable to function properly, this version mainly repair iPhoneX and iOS11 adapter problem, please give an expedited app review, thank you!
Thank you for contacting the App Store Review team. Due to the serious nature of the guideline violation displayed by this app, we are unable to accommodate your request for an expedited review. Additionally, as stated in our Resolution Center message, this app's review will take longer.
If your app is currently in a rejected state, we recommend reviewing the rejection details in Resolution Center to understand how to resolve this issue prior to resubmitting your app for review. If you’ve already made the appropriate changes and resubmitted your app for review, you can expect a delayed review time.
Once your app has been approved for distribution on the App Store, future updates to this app will not experience a delayed review.
Best regards,
App Store Review
Dear App Review Team:
Due to the current version of the appstore (ver x.x.x,September 2017) did not fit iPhoneX and iOS11, resulting in a large number of users in the process of crash and unable to function properly. User complaints are large, and the new version has not been review. I have to appeal for my app review.
The related processes are as follows:
1.In January 4th, the review staff said we break: Guideline 4.1 Design: Copycats, Your app or its metadata appears to contain misleading content. Specifically, your app icon leverages XXXXX XXXXX, which could create official affiliations and cause user's confusion.
2.In January 5th, we submitted relevant proofs in Resolution Center: a. Business license:
b. Authorization certificate: after January 5th to January 12th without any feedback, we try to resubmit the application, to February 12th still no feedback message.
In February 13th we made an app transfer to XXXXX appstore accounts. If necessary, we will provide more materials to prove that we did not violate: Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats, please mail it to me:, Tel: +86139xxxxxxxx. We will cooperate fully. I have to appeal for my app review and thank you again!
Thank you for contacting the App Store Review team.
Due to the serious nature of the guideline violation displayed by this app, we are unable to accommodate your request for an expedited review. Additionally, as stated in our Resolution Center message, this app's review will take longer.
If your app is currently in a rejected state, we recommend reviewing the rejection details in Resolution Center to understand how to resolve this issue prior to resubmitting your app for review. If you’ve already made the appropriate changes and resubmitted your app for review, you can expect a delayed review time.
Once your app has been approved for distribution on the App Store, future updates to this app will not experience a delayed review.
Best regards,
App Store Review
加急用的“request an expedited app review”已经不行了,那看这里面,就一、二靠谱,那就一、二提交个试试吧。
get the status of my app
根据前天提交快速审核申请的反馈( Due to the serious nature of the guideline violation displayed by this app, we are unable to accommodate your request for an expedited review. Additionally, as stated in our Resolution Center message, this app's review will take longer.)
1月4日,审核人员说我们违反了:Guideline 4.1 Design: Copycats,Your app or its metadata appears to contain misleading content. Specifically, your app icon leverages XXXX XXXX, which could create official affiliations and cause user's confusion.
1月5日,我们提交了相关证明材料,详见 Resolution Center,材料有: 1、营业执照: 2、授权证明:
但是从1月5日后就无任何反馈,1月12日我们尝试重新提交应用,到2月12日仍然没有反馈消息,2月13日我们进行了应用迁移(同步在申请“xxxxx”商店账户,2月13日申请完成进行了迁移),应用迁移到“xxxxx”商店账户。 由于当前商店版本(x.x.x,2017年x月xx日)没有适配 iPhoneX 和 iOS11,导致大量用户使用过程中闪退和无法正常使用功能,用户投诉较大,此版本主要修复 iPhoneX 和 iOS11 适配问题,请予以加急审核,谢谢!
如果需要我们提供更多材料以证明我们没有违反:Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats,请邮件给我,电话:+86139xxxx。我们将全力配合,再次感谢!
get clarification on an app rejection
Dear App Review Team:
Due to the current version of the appstore (ver x.x.x,September 2017) did not fit iPhoneX and iOS11, resulting in a large number of users in the process of crash and unable to function properly. User complaints are large, and the new version has not been review. I have to appeal for my app review.
The related processes are as follows:
1.In January 4th, the review staff said we break: Guideline 4.1 Design: Copycats, Your app or its metadata appears to contain misleading content. Specifically, your app icon leverages XXXX XXXX, which could create official affiliations and cause user's confusion.
2.In January 5th, we submitted relevant proofs in Resolution Center: a. Business license: b. Authorization certificate:
But after January 5th to January 12th without any feedback, we try to resubmit the application, to February 12th still no feedback message.
In February 13th we made an app transfer to XXXXX XXXXX appstore accounts. If necessary, we will provide more materials to prove that we did not violate: Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats, please mail it to me:, Tel: +86139xxxxxx. We will cooperate fully. I have to appeal for my app review and thank you again!
然后收到的邮件为(感觉是对应的 get the status of my app):
Hello xx,
Thank you for contacting App Store Review about your app, "xxxx." In reviewing your inquiry, we see that you are concerned about the length of the review process.
In looking at the details of your app’s review, we found that the next submission of this app may require a longer review time.
For specific details or additional information about your app’s rejection, refer to Resolution Center in iTunes Connect. If you would like to provide clarification about your app, you may respond to the App Review team in the Resolution Center.
Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. Please feel free to respond if you have any additional questions.
Best regards,
App Store Review
以为没戏了,准备等周一打一个周电话催,结果周一凌晨进 Review了,然后周一晚上七点审核通过了。
1、get clarification on an app rejection 的申述成功了;
不过其他进Review 到通过就两三个小时,这个过了大半天,感觉还是走的 第一个的通过可能。
一、只要自己不违规,一定要 积极申述,否则等苹果开恩和中彩票差不多;
二、Guideline 4.1 Design: Copycat 如果一直没反馈,试试走这个吧:get clarification on an app rejection
2、进:Resolution Center(当你回复了,或者重新提交审核了就看不到了,实际是能进去看以前的): (appid换成你的应用10位数字appid:);