
2021-07-06  本文已影响0人  fredericoyang



V2.0 最终版(2021-7-5)

1 EFUtils: 转换工具添加了新的方法,添加了编码为 base64字符串和解码为 NSData的方法,UI工具添加了新的方法,取消了 DES加解密方法。
2 EFBase:
2.1 EFBaseViewController: 自定义返回与自定义取消方案改进,获取位置添加了新的方法,获取照片添加了新的方法,添加了获取录音权限的方法,添加了嵌入式 tableView的支持,可以像 EFBaseTableViewController中自带的 tableView一样使用,添加了数据刷新与分页和无数据显示的联动显示效果,输入聚焦方案改进。
2.2 EFBaseTableViewController: 自定义返回与自定义取消方案改进,获取位置添加了新的方法,获取照片添加了新的方法,添加了获取录音权限的方法,添加了数据刷新与分页和无数据显示的联动显示效果,输入聚焦方案改进。
2.3 EFBaseModalDialogViewController: 弹出式对话框基类,目前提供了最常用的三种弹出式对话框。
2.4 EFBaseWebViewController: UIWebView替换为 WKWebView。
2.5 BaseDataModel: 添加了自动归解档的支持。
3 EFUIKit:
3.1 EFNavigationBar: 取消了渐变色背景,深浅模式现在对应主题色,除了按钮、标题颜色,现在也作用于背景色。
3.2 EFModalDialog: 提供了最常用的三种弹出式对话框:列表单选或者多选、日期(时间可选)选择、最多两级的级联选项。
3.3 EFButton: 提供了边框、圆角、渐变背景自定义,内容水平居中、图标居左、图标居上多种显示风格。
3.4 EFView: 提供了边框、圆角、阴影效果自定义。
3.5 EFImageView: 提供了边框、圆角、阴影效果、图像填充方式自定义。
3.6 EFLabel: 提供了边框、圆角自定义,添加了通过 NSString实例化的方法,添加了文字显示不全时,点击以浮动提示方式显示全部文字的效果,默认不启用。
3.7 EFTextField: 提供了边框、圆角、占位文字颜色、文字显示位置偏移量自定义。
4 AFHTTPTool: AFHTTPConfig 错误码升级为状态码,获取 AFHTTPSessionManager时不再要求提供授权,改由各请求处理。
5 EFFMDBTool: 基于 BaseDataModel的模型sqlite自动存取。
6 演示 App同步更新,通过导航的深浅风格改变主题色。
7 适配了 iOS14系统,项目通过 Xcode12成功编译。

V2.0 Definitive Edition

1 EFUtils: The conversion utils gets new methods to encode NSData to Base64 strings and decode NSData from them. New methods for UI utils. The DES encryption and decryption method is removed.
2 EFBase:
2.1 EFBaseViewController: Custom back and custom cancel solution improvements, new methods for request locations, new methods for select photos, new method for request recording permission, and embedded tableView is supported, just use like the EFBaseTableViewController own tableView, data refresh and pageable with display no data view during animations, solution of input focus improvement.
2.2 EFBaseTableViewController: Custom back and custom cancel solution improvements, new methods for request locations, new methods for select photos, new method for request recording permission, data refresh and pageable with display no data view during animations, solution of input focus improvement.
2.3 EFBaseModalDialogViewController: Modal dialog base class, now provides the most commonly used three modal dialog.
2.4 EFBaseWebViewController: Replace UIWebView with WKWebView.
2.5 BaseDataModel: Added support for archive and unarchive automatic .
3 EFUIKit:
3.1 EFNavigationBar: The gradient background is removed. The navigation style is applied by the theme color. In addition to the bar button item and title color, it also applied to the background color.
3.2 EFModulalDialog: It provides the three most commonly used modal dialogs: list option with single or multiple selection, select date(or date and time), and level-able options up to two levels.
3.3 EFButton: Customized border, corner radius, and gradient background. it provides a lot of display styles such as horizontal content center, icon on the left and icon on the top.
3.4 EFVIEW: Customized border, corner radius or shadow.
3.5 EFImageView: Customized border, corners radius or shadow, and image content mode.
3.6 EFlabel: Customized border, corners radius, it provides a lot of methods to init label with NSString, and display all text in pop-over view when the text is not displayed completely just simply by a single tap.
3.7 EFTextField: Customized border, corner radius, placeholder text color, and text display position offset.
4 AFHTTPTool: The AFHTTPConfig error code is upgraded to status code, and authorization is no longer required when get AFHTTPSessionManager, just handle by each request instead.
5 EFFMDBTool: Read from or save to sqlite automatic just by models based on BaseDataModel.
6 The demo App is upgraded at the same time, and the navigation style is applied by the theme color.
7 Compatible with iOS 14, and the project is successfully compiled by Xcode12.




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