去超市了go shopping
很喜欢的一个佩佩猪故事,这个故事我看到了它们一家的和谐和温情。最重要的事,这个故事之后我们就可以带着中英文shopping list和宝宝一起去超市了。

Peppa and George are going shopping! 佩佩和乔治去买东西了(go shopping买东西)
Peppa and George like shopping. George loves 佩佩和乔治喜欢买东西 (like shopping 喜欢买东西)
sitting in the trolley. So does Peppa.乔治喜欢坐在推车里,佩佩也喜欢哦。Trolley 推车
Peppa;Daddy, can I sit in the trolley, too? 佩佩说:爸爸,我也可以坐在推车里面吗?
Daddy:You're too big for the trolley, Peppa.Peppa:Oh! 爸爸说:你太大了,佩佩。

Daddy:But you can help with the shopping.Peppa:Oh, goody!
Mummy:We've got four things on the list. 妈妈说:我们的购物单上有4件东西。
Daddy:Tomatoes, spaghetti, onions and fruit.Peppa:I'll find it all! 爸爸:番茄 通心粉 洋葱和水果。佩佩:我要把它们全找到!

Narrator:Peppa and George love shopping.Mummy:Peppa, first, we need tomatoes.佩佩和乔治喜欢买东西。妈妈说:佩佩,第一,我们需要番茄。

Peppa:Hmmmm! I can see them! I can see them!
Here are the tomatoes, Mummy. 妈妈,番茄在这里。
Mummy:Well done, Peppa! 妈妈说:太棒了,佩佩。
Peppa:One, two, three, four.Mummy:Now, put them in the trolley.Peppa:I found the tomatoes! 佩佩: 1, 2, 3, 4. 妈妈说:现在,把它们放到推车里。佩佩:我找到番茄了。

Daddy:Well done, Peppa. Tomatoes, that's one thing 爸爸说:真棒!佩佩。番茄,一个东西买好了。划掉。
off the list. What's next on the list? 下面是什么呢?
Peppa:Spaghetti! 佩佩说:通心粉
George:Pi-getty! 乔治说:通心粉
Daddy:That's right, George, but it's called spa-ghe-tti.George:Pi-getty! 爸爸说:说对了,乔治,但是通心粉的名字叫spaghetti. 乔治说:pi-getty!
Narrator:Spaghetti is Peppa and George's favorite 通心粉是 佩佩和乔治的最爱。
Daddy:I wonder where the spaghetti is? 爸爸说:通心粉在哪里呢?

Peppa:I can see it! This way! Spaghetti! Look,
Mummy! Here's the spaghetti. 妈妈说:通心粉在这里。
Mummy:Well done, Peppa.妈妈说:真棒,佩佩
Let's put this spaghetti in the trolley. 让我们把通心粉放进推车。
Peppa:Yes, Mummy. 佩佩:好,妈妈。
Peppa:George, it's called spa-ghe-tti.George:Pi-getty! 佩佩说:乔治,通心粉的名字是spa ghe tt. 乔治说:pi-getty. (乔治还小,还说不出spa ghetty)

Daddy:What's next on the list, Peppa? 爸爸说:佩佩,下面买什么?
Peppa:Crisps! 佩佩说:薯片
Mummy:Crisps are not on the list. We have plenty ofcrisps at home, Peppa. 妈妈说:薯片不再购物单上。家里还有很多呢,佩佩。

Daddy:Have another guess.
Peppa:Hmmm. I just can't remember. 佩佩说:我记不住。
Mummy:Can you remember, George? 妈妈说:乔治,你能记住吗?
George:Dine-Saw! 乔治说:恐龙
Mummy:Dinosaur? 妈妈说:恐龙?
Peppa:George, there aren't any dinosaurs in the supermarket! 佩佩说:超市没有恐龙
Daddy:No, George. The next thing on the Iist is onions. 爸爸说:不是,乔治。购物单上的下一个东西是洋葱。

Peppa:Onions! I remember now! Here they are! Mummy:Well done.佩佩说:洋葱,现在我记得了!它们在这里。妈妈说:真棒!
Peppa:One, two, three, four! Onions. 佩佩说:1,2,3,4 洋葱
Daddy:Very good. That's nearly everything on our list.爸爸说:太好了,东西都快买好了。
Mummy:There's one last thing on the list.妈妈说:购物单还有最后一件东西。

Narrator:A plant? Is that on the list? 植物吗?这是最后一个东西吗?
Daddy:Oh, no, George. The last thing on the list is fruit.George:Oh. 爸爸说:不是,乔治,最后一样东西是水果。乔治: 哦
Mummy:Never mind, George.妈妈说:没问题,乔治You can choose the fruit. Where is the fruit? 你可以选水果。水果在哪里呢?
Peppa:Over there! 佩佩说:在那!

Narrator:There are apples and oranges and bananas 有苹果,橙子,香蕉
and a very big melon.和一个大大的西瓜
Mummy:What fruit shall we have, George? Apples?Daddy:Oranges? 妈妈:今天我们买什么水果呢 乔治?苹果?爸爸:橙子
Peppa:Bananas? 佩佩:香蕉?

Miss Rabbit:Tomatoes, spaghetti, onions, melon, 兔子小姐:番茄,通心粉,洋葱,西瓜 巧克力蛋糕
chocolate cake...

Mummy & Peppa:Chocolate cake?Narrator:Chocolate cake? Is that on the list? 妈妈和佩佩:巧克力蛋糕?巧克力蛋糕在购物单上面吗?
Mummy:Peppa? Did you put the chocolate cake in 妈妈:佩佩,你把巧克力蛋糕放进去推车的?
the trolley?
Peppa:No, Mummy. 佩佩:没有妈妈
Mummy:George? Did you put the chocolate cake in 妈妈:乔治,你把巧克力蛋糕放进去的?
the trolley?
George:No. 乔治:没有
Mummy:Well, I didn't put it in.Peppa:Then who did? 妈妈:我也没放。佩佩:那么谁放的呢?

Daddy:Er... I thought it might be nice for pudding.Mummy:Daddy Pig! 爸爸:哦,我觉得做布丁很好。妈妈说:爸爸猪
Peppa:Naughty Daddy! 佩佩:调皮的爸爸!

Daddy:Sorry! It just looked so delicious.Mummy:It does look rather yummy. 爸爸:对不起。蛋糕看上去太好吃了。妈妈说:确实看上去很好吃
Oh, let's pretend it was on the list.George:Chocolate cake. 好吧,让我们假装它在购物单上面。乔治:巧克力蛋糕
Daddy:Hurray! 爸爸:好啊