C++代写:CCIT4020, HKU SPACE Commun

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Introduction完成一个库存管理和记录系统,从inventory.txt文件中读取相关数据, 然后包括增删改查等相关功能,属于c语言的基础入门级别的题目RequirementICP Project 15-161 / 6Introduction to Computer Programming (ICP)CCIT4020, HKU SPACE Community College, 2015-2016 Semester 2Course Project Guidelines: Inventory Management and Record System1) IntroductionNowadays, an inventory management and record system is important to manage all relatedinventories in a logistics corporation for shipping and delivery. In this project, a simple andeffective inventory management and record system is developed in order to record, search andback up the data of various items in the company. To avoid any conflict between different datatypes and any other programming bugs, Input data validation processes are necessary to beemployed and developed in the system.1.1) File Format for data storage:In this project, one data file “inventory.txt” is required to back up the data. The “inventory.txt”file contains various data for each item (Name of item, Item number, Subject, Weight, Quantity,Recipient, Final destination, and Delivery status). In this project, we assume that the maximumnumbers of item records are 50 and the maximum numbers of characters for name of item,recipient, destination and delivery status) are 30.The format and example of data stored in the data file “inventory.txt” are listed as follows:Name of item #1Item number #1Subject #1Weight #1Quantity #1Recipient #1Final Destination #1Delivery Status #1Name of item #2Item number #2Subject #2Weight #2Quantity #2Recipient #2Final Destination #2Delivery Status #2Name of item #3Item number #3Subject #3Weight #3Quantity #3Recipient #3Final Destination #3Delivery Status #3...ICP Project 15-162 / 6The example of items records stored in the data file is listed as follows:Net Wi-Fi Router1001Electronics2.0 kg1Chan Tai ManKowloon BayDeliveryFujo Apple Gift SetFood25521.2kg1Cheung Wai MingYuen LongArrivalKoppo Men JacketFashion30030.5kg2Lee Siu YuSha TinWarehouse...ICP Project 15-163 / 62) Project RequirementsIn this project, students are required to form. groups in the same class (4 to max. 5 students pergroup) to develop a C program (Standalone Console-Based Application) for the inventorymanagement and record system. The C program for this system must include two parts: (1) BasicFunctions (group part), and (2) Extra Functions (individual part).The example of Basic Functions (group part) of the system is shown as follows:2.1) Requirements for Basic Function (Group Part)The following functions must be supported in the system: Main Menu: in the main() functiono Show menu page when the program is executed or selected option is completed.o After the main menu is shown, wait for user to input a number (or character) fromoptions above. Option ‘1’: Add new item record(s)o Add a new item in the system and store the information of such item in a data file“inventory.txt”.o Record “Name of item”, “Item number”, “Subject”, “Weight”, “Quantity”, “Recipient”,“Final destination” and “Delivery status”.o Ask user to add another new item (if Yes, repeat the step; if No, go back to menu page).ICP Project 15-164 / 6 Option ‘2’: Display item(s)o Load and display the items in the system from the corresponding data file“inventory.txt”.o Display all the item information (Name of item, Item number, Subject, Weight, Quantity,Recipient, Final destination, and Delivery status) line by line on screen. Option ‘3’: Modify item record(s)o Update the existing item record and store it to the corresponding data file.o Ask user to change another item record (if Yes, repeat the step; if No, go back to menupage). Option ‘4’: Delete item record(s)o Delete the existing item record and update the records in the data file.o Ask user to remove another item record (if Yes, repeat the step; if No, go back to menupage). Option ‘5’: Search item informationo Search and display the item information you searched on screen from the correspondingdata file “invenotory.txt”.o Ask user to search another item record (if Yes, repeat the step; if No, go back to menupage).2.2) Requirements for Extra Function (Individual Part)Each group member is required to develop an extra function (e.g. create a new Option ‘6’ or a newfunction, etc.) and integrate to the system for this project. These extra functions can be contributedand integrated to the system so as to perform. various specific tasks or related purposes. There is noconstraint on the function features (except user login with password).Input dataAdd data for next itemICP Project 15-165 / 63) Submission3.1) Softcopiesa) Programming Codes and Files:Softcopies must be submitted to SOUL by a group representative before the deadline. (Grouprepresentative is necessary to compress all files/folders into single file for submission)o Save in a FOLDER named “icpClassNo_GroupNo_Basic” Source (.c) files: All program files with the basic function only Executable (.exe) file: Executable file “icpClassNo_GroupNo_Basic.exe” Data files: Data is stored in txt (or dat) fileo Save in a FOLDER named “icpClassNo_GroupNo_BasicExtra” Source (.c) files: All program files with the basic and extra functions Executable (.exe) file: Executable file “icpClassNo_TeamNo_BasExtra.exe”. Data files: Data should be stored in txt (or dat) file. A readme file can be attached in the folder to give details of the extra functions(Remark1: Two folders – Both 1) Basic function, and 2) Basic with Extra Functions are necessaryto submit for program comparison and verification)(Remark2: Programming codes or statements must include comments for description orexplanation)b) Project Presentation PowerPoint file: named icpClassNo_GroupNo.ppt (or .pptx),The contents of the presentation PowerPoint includes:- Job distributions,- Overview of project,- Programming techniques used in the basic functions, and- Programming techniques used in the extra functions,(Remarks: Full programming codes are not necessary to show on the PowerPoint slides.)c) Project Submission Form. (scanned file)3.2) Project Presentation and DemonstrationProject Presentations will be held in Lesson 12. Each group has about 7 minutes includingpresentation, demonstration, etc.- All group members must participate in the presentation.- The presentation must be well-prepared as the tight presentation schedule.- A presentation PowerPoint is needed during the presentation.ICP Project 15-166 / 63.3) HardcopiesThe following materials must be submitted during the presentation.- Project Submission Form. and Project Extra Function Forms for all members- Project Presentation PowerPoint (print with four slides per page and double-sided oneach A4 paper)(Important Remark: Double-check the contents in your submission, if they are the most updatedversions.)References:Website for DHLWebsite for UPSWebsite for Taobao (delivery)~ END ~本团队核心人员组成主要包括BAT一线工程师,精通德英语!我们主要业务范围是代做编程大作业、课程设计等等。我们的方向领域:window编程 数值算法 AI人工智能 金融统计 计量分析 大数据 网络编程 WEB编程 通讯编程 游戏编程多媒体linux 外挂编程 程序API图像处理 嵌入式/单片机 数据库编程 控制台 进程与线程 网络安全 汇编语言 硬件编程 软件设计 工程标准规等。其中代写编程、代写程序、代写留学生程序作业语言或工具包括但不限于以下范围:C/C++/C#代写Java代写IT代写Python代写辅导编程作业Matlab代写Haskell代写Processing代写Linux环境搭建Rust代写Data Structure Assginment 数据结构代写MIPS代写Machine Learning 作业 代写Oracle/SQL/PostgreSQL/Pig 数据库代写/代做/辅导Web开发、网站开发、网站作业ASP.NET网站开发Finance Insurace Statistics统计、回归、迭代Prolog代写Computer Computational method代做因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:99515681@qq.com 微信:codehelp

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