
Sensation transference: when people give an assessment of something theymight buy in a supermarket or a department store, without realizing it, they transfersensations or impressions that they have about the packaging of the product tothe product itself. [160]
Chapter 5," The Right – and Wrong – Way to Ask People What They Want," begins with the story of singer Kenna. Around 2003, Kenna was very up and coming.Everyone loved Kenna, including: U2’s manager, popular music broadcasting shows, and his fans, except focus groups of record company who are important for Kenna in gaining further resources.
Then the story goes to the famous Pepsi challenge. America started to believe Pepsi was the best cola. In blind taste tests, it appeared that America was choosing Pepsi. Coke noticed that and that’s when Coke began to update their recipe.However, the new coke was a disaster. Because the updating recipe was accorded to the poll based on a sip, a scenario that is very different from sitting and drinking a whole beverage on your own. That is, in the real world, New Coke wasn’t better than Pepsi.
And a third case, in the 1940s margarine was extremely unpopular, people thought it was gross.But Cheskin, a great figure in 20th marketing,colored margarine yellow so that it would look like butter, and also he gave it a more impressive name: Imperial Margarine, and an impressive looking crown on the package. Simply put he did a sensation transference on margarine. Thereby, these days, most people think butter and margarine are relatively the same thing.
Words &Phrases
by the name
known as
Dick Morriswrites about going to Arkansas in 1977 to meet with the state’sthirty-one-year-old attorney general, an ambitious young man by the name ofBill Clinton
The teacher that I enjoyed the most in high school was a man by the name of Don Feinstein.
chip away
[for something] to break off or break away in small chips.
But Pepsi hadbeen steadily chipping away at Coke’s lead.
The edges of the marble step chippedaway over the years.
Some of the stone figures had chipped away so badly that we couldn't seewhat they were.
hang on
To depend onsomething or someone for an outcome
A 57 to 43percent edge is a lot, particularly in a world where millions of dollars hangon a tenth of a percentage point
My wholefuture could hang on the results of this test.
built to
meant for
Pepsi, in short, is a drink built to shine in a sip test.
Elon Musk says all Teslas will now be built to be fully self-driving
pull the wool over sb.’s eyes
Fig. to deceive someone.
But if you put your ice cream in a round as opposed to a rectangular container and charge five to ten cents more, that seems like you’re pulling the wool over people’s eyes.
You can't pull the wool over my eyes. I know what's going on.