
Complaint n.
1) The initial pleading that starts a civil action and states that basis for the court's jurisdiction, the basis for the plaintiff's claim, and the demand for relief.
【美】民事起诉状,依据民事诉讼规则或法律开始一项民事诉讼的文书,起诉人应在其中简要说明法院具有管辖权的根据并阐明要求获得法律救济的请求。起诉状应和传票令【writ of summons]一起送达被告人。
2) Criminal Law. A formal charge accusing a person of an offense.
虽然提出控告书旨在指控犯罪,但在诉讼中正式的起诉书应为大陪审团起诉书[indictment]或检察官起诉书[information]。如果控告书中存在可成立的理由[probable cause]表明指称的某人实施了该犯罪,即可据此对该人签发逮捕令。
counter-complaint 反诉诉状
A complaint filed by a defendant against the plaintiff, alleging that the plaintiff has committed a breach and is liable to the defendant for damages.
criminal complaint 刑事起诉书
A formal charging instrument by which a person is accused of a crime, usu, a misdemeanor or violation in a sworn statement.
preliminary complaint 初步控告书
A complaint issued by a court to obtain jurisdiction over a criminal suspect for hearing on probable cause or on whether to bind the suspect over for trial.
法院为取得对犯罪嫌疑人的管辖权而签发的犯罪控告书,并依此进行有关合理根据【probable cause】或是否应对犯罪嫌疑人羁押以交付审【bond over】的听审。
supplemental complaint 补充起诉状
A additional complaint that either corrects a defect in the original complaint or adds relevant matters that occurred after the action began.
third-party complaint 追加第三方为被告
A complaint filed by the defendant against a third party, alleging that the third party may be liable for some or all of the damages that the plaintiff is trying to recover from the defendant.
(来源:Black's Law Dictionary, 《元照英美法词典》,《英汉法律用语词典》)