E01 肖申克的救赎:监狱初探
2018-11-20 本文已影响0人
①我们的操场很大,比大多数监狱的操场都大。是一个正方形,一边90码。Our yard is big, much bigger than most. It's a perfect square, ninety yards on a side. ②东边是一堵厚墙,上面都是小缝窗。五区牢房就在那堵墙的另一边。The east side is a thick stone wall full of tiny slit windows. Cellblock 5 is on the other side of that wall. ③在四八年那会儿差不多只有2/3的牢房关有犯人,但是大部分时候操场上基本都能有80-120 个犯人——扔扔球,扯扯淡,唠唠叨叨,搞点小交易之类的。 In 1948 it was only filled to something like two-thirds capacity, but at any given time there might be eighty to a hundred and twenty cons on the yard—playing toss with a football or baseball, shooting craps, jawing at each other, making deals.