第二单元 中国经济发展(4)
2020-05-23 本文已影响0人
hurtle down a straight path 直线冲刺
at top speed 极限速度
high-speed railway network/length 高铁里程
proximity to city centers 距离市中心近
air travel 航空运输
total passenger volume 旅客发送总量
train travel 铁路运输
chilling plateaus [ˈplætəʊz] 寒冷的高原
withstand high temperature and intense heat 耐高温高热
hard technology 硬技术
seamless railway tracks 无缝钢轨
high-speed junctions 高速道岔
high-speed locomotives 高铁车头
air drag 空气阻力
affordable 实惠
easier and more enjoyable 方便舒适
connect the last kilometer of China’s east-west high-speed railway 打通了中国高铁横贯东西的“最后一公里”
Juicy Meat Dumplings 小笼包
Pita Bread Soaked 羊肉泡馍
beef noddles 羊肉面
economic exchanges 经济交往
economic belt 经济带
cities and autonomous prefectures [ˈpriːfɛktjʊəz] 市和自治州